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Ciry of Roseville <br />Roseville Sister Citv Association <br />Minutes <br />February 3, 1999 <br />Present: James and James Boardson, Stephen Lindemer, Jan Schultz, �ri.s Simmonson, <br />Stew Robertson, John Stiles, Car.ol Stark, Suzanne Tlusty, Virginia and <br />�om �urba. <br />Guest: Melania Martinez, from Costa Rica <br />Minutes: <br />i. Treasures's report: Carol and Tom are near completion on the spread sheet <br />for 1998 accounting. When completed, Joyce will. be applying for our sales <br />tax exemption status with the Sra�e. Tom is also working on the IRS Tax <br />lleductible status which we have had for 4 years as a temporary status. Th�s <br />hopefully wi11 be changed to a per�enant status with Tom's filing. <br />2. Shinmachi: We missed the time frame for requesting a donarion from the Rose- <br />vi11e Community fund to help defray travel expense �osts for this summer to <br />Japan. However, our request is in for the March meeting. <br />Host families are still needed £or the 10 students and 2 aduZts arriving from <br />Japan zn August. There may be 10-12 from Roseville traveling in July. <br />3. Costa Rica: Twv work visa students did arrive in December to work in Grand <br />Maria. However, the cold weather was too much for one and she transferred Co <br />New York to work. The other apparently is doing fine. Melanis Martinez <br />arrived in November, spending some time assisting in one of the local schools. <br />She is currently staying with Kris and 5tew while attending English language <br />classes at Rosevil�e three mornings a week. To� and Joyce will looking into <br />places where she may work as a volunteer and use her Engl�sh. <br />Problems have come up concerning a basketball clinic being held in Costa Rica. <br />We may only have one or two coaches come up in the summer. Tom will check with <br />Roseville-Parks and Rec. if they are hosting the Great American Shoot Out <br />this year. If they are, and teams come up, we MUST know earlier this year as <br />to how many and arrival/departure time for finding host families. <br />4. New Business: We have received an official invitation to particiPate in the <br />Rosevi�le Rosefest parade this year. It will be on Monday, June 28, 6:30 PM, <br />starting at City Hall and en�ing at the �igh School parking 1ot (one mile). <br />Jim suggested we make a float this year and volunteered his trailer, along <br />with some ideas. We will need to start early to solicite candy donations. <br />5. Next meeting: March 3, 1999, at City Hall. b:30 PM. <br />6. 5tephen Lindemer, Jan Schult�, and <br />Respectfu ly submitted, Suzanne Tlusty were welcomed as new <br />� ��',, members. <br />�. L Cc:D'-+"'�, <br />Joyc oardson <br />