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City of Roseville <br />Roseville Sister Cit Association <br />Minutes <br />March 3, 1999 <br />Present: James and soyce Boardson, Barbara Sackmann, Carol Stark, Tom and Virginia <br />Turba. <br />Guest: Mayor Dan Wal� <br />Minutes: <br />1. Treasure's report: Tom has put a 1ot of work into organizing and presenting <br />the paper work needed for the IRS Tax peductible 5tatus. He hopes to receive <br />acceptance soon. Garol and Tom have also been working on the financial <br />records so that we can file for sales tax exempt status wzth the Stare of MN. <br />2. Shinmachi: Mayor Dan Wall announced that Gov. Ventuxa will be going to Japan <br />this fall. Tom wi11 write a letter to Gov. Ventura, inviting him to go to <br />Shinmachi while there. Mayor Wall will contacC Shinmachi, requesting that they <br />extend an invitation to Gov. Ventura.on behalf of our Sister City exchange. <br />The group has been wQking hard to prepare for the exchange this summer with <br />Shinmachi. They expecC 5 girls and 2 Chaperones to go to Shinmachi in July. <br />Ten students and 2 chaperones are expected to come here in August. Host <br />families are still tight. <br />3. Costa Rica: The 21 year oid Costa Rican lady will be returning the end of <br /> the 'I�ain Cities, hoping to spend 2 weeks here before returning to <br />C.R. A host family will be needed. Also, we need to find a host famiiy for <br />Melania, who has been staying with the Robertsans for several months. Melania <br />is curr.ently quite occupied with English classes. However, these will be end- <br />ing approximately April 1. Roseville Parks and Recreation as We1i as Parkview <br />School may be able to find activities for her. <br />There wi11 not be a basketball clinic held in C.R. on behalf of Roseville as <br />anticipated. Two coaches expect to be comfng up this summer for a clinic. <br />4. Para�e time will soon be upon us. We have recieved an xnv�tation from the <br />parade commmitte to enter once again. Soardsons have offered to lead a pro- <br />ject with making a float. Current idea is to make a"globe". Boardsons have <br />a braiZer: We need something to pull it, such as a garden tractor. Please let <br />the committe know if you know someone whom may have one available for our us. <br />Joyce will also work on getting candy donations from Iocal stores. <br />5. Next meeting is Wednesday, April 7, 1999, 6:30 PM at City Hall. <br />Respectfull�bmitted, <br />V" ""°"�' 1 <br />Joyce Boardson <br />