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City of Roseville <br />International Sister Citv Association <br />Minutes <br />De�ember 3, 1997 <br />PresenC: James and Joyce Boardson, Stew Roberts, Kris Simonson, Carol Stark, <br />Tom and Virginia Turba <br />Minutes: <br />�. November 5, 1997 minutes approved <br />2. Action Items: Tom wi11 have our receipt slips ready soon. Martha was not <br />available to report on the display case item tags. <br />3. Treasure's report: Carol moved and Virginia seconded that $100.00 be given <br />to each of the 2-3 studen�s who went to Japan this summer from the funds <br />currenCly available for Shix�ma.chi. There were no oppositions. The group <br />explained to Stew and Kris how the funds were ac�nmulaCed and dispencied <br />from our account. Boardson's wiil be submitting a donat�on statement for <br />purchases they made for the RosefesC Parade this summer. <br />4. Shinmachi: Carol is finding that student interest is down with the increased <br />opportunities for other activities%travel. The information sheet had been <br />reviewed at a previous meeCing and recommendation for changes made be the <br />group. The group agreed we shouZd go ahead with the changes at this time and <br />publish it for display at the library display �ase. <br />5. Costa Rica: Tom wi11 get Stew and Kr�s added tv the mailing �ist for the <br />"Costa Rica Connection". Space is sti�l available for going to C.R. to join <br />in on the election a�tivity, departing Jan. 29. Five pairs have signed up. <br />We are still looking for housing for a young teacher Jan. through April/May. <br />Dan Knutson in New BrighCon has offered to host part of the time. Kris and <br />Stew think they ma.y be able to help, and the teach may be able to teach at <br />Breck School where Rris works. <br />b. Ongoing Business: No one brought pictures to start our scrap book of our <br />acCivities. We are looking for acCivities, groups or single, of Shinmachi <br />and C.R. <br />7. �ew business: Joyce has talked �o Bob Bierscheid about having sports ex- <br />change activities with C.R. He will be getting in touch with Eduardo Cruz. <br />Joyce also asked Bob to keep the S.C. commitCee informed since communications <br />are a �hronic problem between C.R. and Roseville. We wi11 try to help with <br />communication�. No videos are ava�lable from the 1�.Tin City Marathon Committee. <br />Joyce pointed out that there will be a Junior World Championship hostad by the <br />"Oval" March 6-8, 1998. There may be opportuniCies £or hosting activlties. <br />8. fiext meeting, Wednesday, Jan. 7, 1998, b:30, Citp i�ll. <br />Res ectfullay��itted, <br />J c B� dson <br />