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SECTIUN 2: <br />INTERNAL CUSTOMERS <br />(DUR FIREFIGHTERS) <br />The Roseville Fire Department {referenced as "RFD" throughout this report) is a service <br />organization. We must strive provide consistent movement toward improving the service <br />to our intemai customers.. _ our members. A focus on improving the quality of our <br />mcmber's working environment and their quality of life will facilitate improving the <br />valuc of our members, aid in recruitrnent and retention, and improve our members <br />performancc in serving our extcrnal customers. <br />Accountability <br />Accountable is defined as answerable, capable af being explained. 3urveys conducted of <br />our membership in 1999 revealed a concern the lack, or perceived lack, af accountability <br />that had taken hold in the department over the years. Exa.mples included lack of <br />consistent discipline, no action taken when a member did not complete assignments or <br />show up for an assigned shift, and the organization lacked diligence from some members <br />toward completing duties when they worked shifts. <br />The citi7ens of Roseville expect excellent service from their fire department. When <br />menabers of the departrrtent perform at levels below organizational standards, those <br />standards are effectively lowered_ Accountability throughout the organization maintains <br />the standard of performance the public expects to receive. Fire Administration has <br />recog�nized the members' desire to raise the level of accountability in RFD. A project has <br />been un.derway since October 1999 to develop policies and procedures, rules and <br />regulations, and pezformance benchmarks to address those concerns. The objectives to <br />improve accountability of ouz znezx�bers and ultimately the entire organization include the <br />following: <br />Objectives <br />• Continue to develop and promote consistent actions {coaehing, counseling and <br />disciplinary procedures) when members violate rules and regulations, policies, <br />ordinances, laws, and other mandates. <br />• Develop and implement programs to educate members on the importance of <br />accountability in the organization. <br />10 <br />