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Fire Strategic Plan revised July 2002
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Fire Strategic Plan revised July 2002
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• Develop and implement program to continually reinforce and educate members <br />on issues/opportunities for which they will be held accountable. <br />• Continue to dcvelop and implement pzocedures for documentation of discipline <br />issues. <br />• Develop and implement procedures whereby disciplinary issues are administcred <br />by senior chief officers. <br />• Develop and iznplement a procedure to track member grievances for trends that <br />may require changes to achieve a reduction in redundant grievances. <br />• Develop and implement a program to improve our officers' abilities to coach <br />members toward better performance and develop our officers' abilities to <br />administer effective departmcntal discipline with the goal of impzoved <br />organizational performance. <br />• Continue to develop and implement programs and policies that ensure members <br />use of the proper chain of command for information flow and problem solving. <br />Action Plan <br />AP 2.1 Provide training for department officers on the importance of accountability and <br />how to properly coach membcrs toward better performance and how to properly <br />investigate allegations of inappropriate behavior by employees and supervisors, and how <br />to consistently administer discipline to members. PRIORITY: 3 <br />AP 2.2 Supervisors wi11 periodically inspect fire stations a.nd monitor the completion of <br />dutics by thc watch crews and district officers. Deficiencies will be reported to the <br />respective district officers for correction. This assures accountability for the duties <br />assigned as they impact the operations of the department. PRIORITY 5. <br />Ownership <br />Our organization will truly achieve greatness when all of our members see themselves as <br />owners of this department. We shall encourage employee ownership in the department <br />and foster proprietorship and pride in our services. <br />The citizens of Roseville own the stations, the apparatus, and all of our cquipment. Their <br />tax dollars have purchased all of our assets. I3ut, our members own thc "Roseville Fire <br />Department" ozganization. We own our culture. We own our moralc. We own our <br />successes and our failures. <br />Objectives <br />• Develop and implement programs to encourage and coach all rnembers to act as <br />owners of the department. <br />• Develop and implement programs ihat create an environment where our members <br />arc accountable for the culture, morale, successes, and failures of the department. <br />12 <br />
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