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quo, this change must be orchestrated in order to insurc a smooth transition anc� reduce <br />arixicty of the members who have difficulty adapting to changc. <br />Objectives <br />• Develop and implement programs that empowcr members by seeking their input <br />on vazious issues and concerns in the department. <br />� Continue to develop and implement prograrns that create an environment that <br />improves behaviors and leadership abilities among our officers and ultimateiy to <br />those members thcy supervise. <br />• Continue to devclop and implement programs that reduce the impact of the <br />destructive informal comrnunications (i.e. the rumor-mi�l} and reduce the <br />corresponding morale issues that arise from misinformation. <br />Action Plan <br />AP 2.7 Committee chairpersons shall maintain a list of inembers who actively participate <br />on various committces. Committees shall complete an annual report to the iire chief that <br />details the activitics of the committee. Committee information will be included in the <br />department's annual re�ort. PR�QRITY 5. <br />AP 2.8 Each Division shall znaintain and update their respective arcas on the FIRE <br />WIRE monthly so tk�at members can stay current on important news and infozzxxation. <br />PRIORITY 5. <br />AP 2.9 Officers and supervisors shall respond to letters, e-mail, and telephone inquiries <br />from mernbezs within three {3} business days of receipt. PRIORITY 4. <br />AP 2.10 All Divisions will coordinatc and periodically mail a newsletter to member's <br />homes to keep memhers better informed of department activities. PRIORITY 5. <br />AP 2.11 The Fire Chief shall evaluate the effectiveness of Remote Office Hours in each <br />ftre statioz� one day per month, and elicit mernber input toward proposed changes that <br />rnake the most effective use of the Fire Chie�s time toward improving communications <br />with the z-n�embers. PRIOR�TY 5. <br />AP 2.12 The Chief staff will make an effort to visit fire stations after calls for the <br />purpose of ensuring open communications with members. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 2.13 The Training Division will develop and implement an 8-hour supervisory <br />training program for all new officers. Class topics may inciude a vatiety of management <br />and leadership issues as well as a revicw of department policies and procedures and <br />expectations for officers. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 2.14 The Training Division, in conjunction with the Chief s S�aff shall develop and <br />implement a 16-hour officer's developmez�t school for all officers and members who <br />aspire to become officers. The curriculum will cover job duties, discipline, counseling, <br />coaching, lcadership, communications, and other supervisor related topics. The training <br />division will be encouraged to utilize regional and national leaders from within, and <br />outside of the fire service, to conduct this training. PRIORITY 2. <br />14 <br />