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SECTION 4 <br />INFR.ASTRUCTURE SUPPURT <br />It is very important that wc properly maintain our infrastructure, which includes <br />equipment and sta.tions. The department is making irnprovements with the purchase and <br />refurbishment of apparatus. A systematic apparatus replacement program must be <br />implcmentcd and funded. In addition, budgets must adequately fund maintenance <br />programs to prevent apparatus downtime fQr lengthy, and costly repairs. Our budget <br />should provide appropriate fund�ng for facilities maintenance, fleet maintenance, and <br />equipment maintenance and continuously upgrac�ing the use of technology and <br />advancements. The goals for improvement within this category include adequate funding, <br />facilities rnaintenance, fleet znanagement, equipment management technology <br />improvetnents, procurennent and training. <br />City manager and elected leadership support <br />It is very important that the firc department be supported by the City Manager and elected <br />leadership. In order to be progressive and proactive toward rr�aking changes to improve <br />scrvices thc department and it's officers must be supported. <br />Objectives: <br />. Educate the City Manager, Mayor and Cou.ncil in understandir�g the operations, <br />infrastructure plan and goals of the fire department <br />Action Plan: <br />AP 4.1 Fire Adtninistration shali prepaze periodic reports of status, progress and <br />recommendations for future needs. PRiORITY 3. <br />Adequate funding <br />A twenty-year review of budget documents reveals that the fire department has been <br />under-funded which has severely restricted the department's ability to offer new scrvices <br />and Not withstanding the effectiveness of our limited fire prcvcntion <br />programs, the fire department cannot control thc fire protcction and rescue demands for <br />service. <br />The most critical funding issue facing the fire departrnent over the next ten years will <br />revolve around staffing and the transition of the fire department to a combination <br />� <br />