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A fire station location study was completcd in 2001. The study offers two-station and <br />three-station conf guration options. Howcver, the number of fire stations needed, as well <br />as their location, is directly correlated to the on-duty sta.ffing authorized and the services <br />to be provided. As articulated in this planning documcnt, fire administration supports a <br />two-station configuration, so long as at least one station is staffed 24 hours-a-day with a <br />minimum crew size of 4 firefighters and 1 supervisor. The addition of new scrvices, such <br />as response to medicals, affects the call vol�me and staf�ng requirements. Staffing needs <br />and services to be provided are addressed in another section of this p1an. <br />A coni�pzehensive five-year facilities maintenance plan should be developed to <br />proactively and reactively address station maintenance issues and to plan for costly <br />preventative maintenance, such as roo�ng and H�AC/electrical system upgrades. The <br />t�payers understand the importance of building maintenance. They have to perform <br />regular maintenance on their residences and businesses to assure its proper function. <br />There is no difference for the fire stations. Cuz�ently, there is a backlog of preventative <br />maintenance items requiring attention. This has occurred due to a lack of planning on <br />behalf of RFD and funding requests to complete thzs work being denied. In addition, <br />there are critical shortage of storage space and quality of workspace issues that need to be <br />addressed. <br />Objechves <br />• Develop and implement a comprehensive facilities maintenan�ce program to <br />protect our invcstmcnt in thcsc buildings. <br />• Complete a comprehensive fire station location study to determine the appropriate <br />locations and number of stations that optimize operational efficiency and <br />e££ectiveness. <br />• Develop and implement a schedulc to upgrade Iiving quarters at all fire stations, <br />ensuring quality comfort facilities. <br />• Conduct an evaluation to deternune the feasibility of live-in firefighters at the fire <br />stations and plan additions to the buildings to accommodate this program. <br />• Develop and irnplcmcnt a maintenance/replacement schedule for station facilities <br />and systems, including annual safety inspections. <br />• Develop and implement a program to identify and obtain funding fQr special <br />sta.tion projects to be completed. <br />• Develop and implement a priority listing of facility issues, ensuring timely <br />funding of top priority issues and planned funding for upper priority issues. <br />• Develop and implement a program to improve the system whereby supplies are <br />provided on a timely basis to all sta.tions. <br />• Ensure that maintenance of the grounds, specifically lawn care and snow removal <br />are consistently pez`�ozzxaed by City staff. <br />Action Plan <br />32 <br />