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Objectives <br />To develop a 10-year, budgeted plan for the replacement of fire department equipment. <br />Action Plan <br />AP 4.23 Equipment officer shall organize and rnaintain historical information on <br />purchases of all hand and powez toois, ropes, rescue tools and equipment, boats, trucks, <br />fire-gear, SCBA, station equipment, uniforn�s, and medical equipment. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 4.24 Ec}uipment officer shall de�elop and submit for approval and budgeting <br />purposes an automatic replacement schedule for equipment. PRIORITY 3. <br />Management information system <br />The usc of computcr technology and the management information systezn {MIS) for the <br />Roseville Fire Departrnent is very good. This system helps RFD officers effectively <br />manage our data and facilitates easy access to this information for our members. <br />Obj ectives <br />• Develop and implement, in conjunction with the IT manager, a plan to ensure the <br />continued use of user-friendly management information systerns. <br />• Develop and implemen.t a program to identify and utilize fire department <br />personnel who possess MIS expertise_ <br />+ Develop and implement a prograzx� to work with all officcrs to idcntify and plan <br />for their future data, hardware, software, and training needs. <br />• Develop a.r�d implement a wireless technology plan to improve fire department <br />operational safety, efficiency, and communications. <br />• Develop and implement a program to use mobile data computers on all fire <br />department apparatus and adrninistrative vehicles to improve access to fire pre- <br />plan information. <br />Action Plan <br />AP 4.25 In conjunction with the City's Information Technology Manager, complete an <br />assessment of fire department in£ormation technology needs. This information shall <br />result in a proposal to upgrade technology. PRIORITY 2 <br />AP 4.26 Mobile data computers to be installed in departrnent apparatus and <br />administrative vehicles. PRIORYTY 2. <br />35 <br />