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AP 4.l l The �re department will designate an o�ficer to serve as the fleet manager_ <br />Additionally a point of contact at each station wili be delegated or by volunteer basis to <br />help coordinate those efforts. This person will coordinate the timely repaizs and <br />preventative maintenance {PM) schedule for all apparatus. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 4.12 The fire department fleet manager will ensure that mechanics working on fire <br />department apparatus are ASE, DOT and EVT certified. PRYORITY 2. <br />AP 4.13 The fire department fleet manager will work with the public works <br />administration to cncouragc mcchanics to bc scnt to manufacturers and/or factory <br />authorized training schools. Work that cannot be done in-house shall be completed by <br />vendors approved by Fire Administration. Documentation for training of inechanics will <br />be provided to the fire department. PRIQRITY 2. <br />AP 4.14 The fire department fleet manager will ensure that maintcnance of the �re <br />department fleet continues to meet NFPA Standards ensuring that mechanics are properly <br />tzained or qualified an applicable standards. Classes attended and test results will be <br />provided to the fire department upon the completion of each course. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 4.15 The fire department fleet rxka.n�ager, in coordination with the accreditation <br />manager, will ensure that all accreditation and ISO criteria for fleet maintenance are <br />attained a.nd we�l documented. PRIORITY 4. <br />AP 4.16 Tb,e fire departz�zent fleet manager will work wilh public works ad�r►inistration to <br />scheduie periodic meetings with mechanics and supervisors to address i.deas and concerns <br />for fleet management. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 4.17 Fire Administration shall maintain a replacement schedule for <br />a!1 vehicles in the fleet and shall continually seek to �nd new and <br />innovative wa s to mana e a aratus lacement and re lacement in an <br />effort to improve efficiencv and safetv of the members and best serves <br />the needs of the customers. PRI�RITY 1. <br />AP 4.18 Explore new response vehicle configurations including, but not limited to, quick <br />attack pumpers, quints (Pumper/ladder combination vehicle), medical response vehicles, <br />and supervisor response vehicles. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 4.20 The fire department will install radio/intercom headsets for all seated positions <br />on alI fire apparatus and administrative cars. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 4.21 The fire department will install thermal imager monitor/recorders in select <br />department administration vehicles. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 4.22 Fire Administration will seek an appropriate level of annual funding for the fire <br />vehicle replacement fund to ensure the ability to purchase vehicles to serve new missions <br />and replacement of current fleet vehicles. PRIORITY 2. <br />Equipment needs <br />The fire department uses a variety of small tools and equipment to perform� its mission. <br />This includes, but is not limited to, radios, pagers, monitors, saws, hydzaulic tools, <br />pneumatic tools, electric tools, hand tools, breathing apparatus, and turnout gear. <br />34 <br />