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Fire Strategic Plan revised July 2002
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Fire Strategic Plan revised July 2002
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4bjectives <br />• Develop and implement a p]an to use of rnobile data computers in fire department <br />apparatus to access building, occupancy, and pre-incident planning information. <br />• Develop and implement a plan to upg�ade the radio system to utilize modern <br />technology. <br />. Ensure that the new Public Safety Building is designed and equzppec� with a <br />dispatching center that can adequately serve as the back-up dispatch center for <br />RFD, as well as scrvc as thc PRIMARY Emergency Operations Center location <br />for the City of Roseville. <br />• Develop and implement a plan to issuc a porta.ble radio to all members responding <br />to emergency incidents. <br />• Develop and implemcnt a plan to increase the number of channels available for <br />emergency commumcations. <br />• Develop and implemcnt a plan to eliminate radio skip by having private line tones <br />installed on all radios. <br />• Develop and implement a program to havc toning capabilities at all three fire <br />sta.ti�ns. <br />• Develop and implement a program to improvc the in-station alerting systems at all <br />tl�zee fire stations. <br />• Develop and implement a progra�m t� have alartn data transmitted via <br />alphanumeric pagers. <br />Action Plan <br />AP 5.1 A committee shall be developed consisting of representativcs from all City <br />departments to design a functional EOC #o be located in the Public Safety Building. <br />PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 5.2 Develop a pager replacexnent plan, utili�ing new technology to notify membcrs <br />for emergency calls more efficiently. PRiORITY 3. <br />AP 5.3 Fire Administration shall develop a schedule to purchase portable radios so that <br />each member operating on the scene o�an emergency incident will have a dependablc <br />means of communicating on emergency scenes. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 5.4 The fire departmnent wilt work, in conjunetion with the coordinator of the wireless <br />technology project to upgrade the fire department radio system and increase the range, <br />reiiability, and number of channels available for emezgency eommunications. <br />PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 5.5 Seck funding to conduct a radio study to determine the feasibility of upgrading <br />the radio system to 800/900, VHF/CTHF, truncated radio system with strategically located <br />repeaters throughout the City, for use by all City dcpartments_ PRIORITY 2. <br />38 <br />
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