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Fire Strategic Plan revised July 2002
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Fire Strategic Plan revised July 2002
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• Dcvclop and implcmcnt a program to automate pre-incident plans, fire prevention <br />reports and inspection records, getting these plans and records on to the fire trucks <br />in an automated format. <br />• Develop and isnplement a pre-incident planning program, targeted at high hazard <br />facilities and get these plans on to the fire trucks in an autornated format. <br />• Develop and implement a program that uscs prc-incident plans to train <br />firefightcrs. <br />• Develop and irnplement a program that requires Certificates of Occupancy to be <br />issued for all businesses and multi-family dwellings of six or nnore units, and to <br />have such certificates renewed annually. The information obtained on the <br />certificate application will ensure that after-hours contacts are established and <br />maintained for all businesses. <br />• Develop and implernent a program to increases thc number of buildings inspected <br />annually, especially high hazard facilities. <br />• Develop and implement a program to work with the City Administration on ihe <br />wireless communications project and propose legislation that wouid require hard- <br />wired smoke detectors and in every single family residential st�ructure in <br />Roseville. Required to be enforced at the time of sale. <br />• Develop and implement a program to work with the City Administration toward <br />creating legislation that would require every non-residential structure in Roseville <br />to have automatic fire suppression sysiems installed during construction or <br />retrofitted on any renovation. The first step in the program is the adoption of <br />special protection requirements in SBC 1306, with consideration for the fact that <br />we ca.nnot be more stringent than the SBC. <br />Action Plan <br />AP 5.45 Fire Administration shall work with the City Admiz�istration to transfer the fire <br />marshal and fire inspector to the fire department's PIE Division and to equitably <br />resolve pay and employment issues with the fire inspector. PRIORiTY 2. <br />AP 5.46 PIE Division officers shall train 12 firefi�ters {4 from each district) shall be <br />trained as firc inspcctors. PRIORITY 4. <br />AP 5.47 PIE Division officers shall recruit and train 15 civilian voluntccrs to conduct firc <br />prevention programs. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 5.48 PIE Division officers shall recruit and train 20 civilian volunteers to conduct fire <br />safety inspection programs. PRi�RITY 5. <br />.� <br />
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