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AP 5.36 Operations Division officers mainta.iz� a successful Mutual Aid Box Alarm <br />System. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 5.37 Operations Divisio.n officers to develop, implement and maintain an effective <br />plan for the efficient a.nd effective handling of hazardous materiais incidents. <br />PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 5.38 Obtain the approval, commitme�t and financial support from <br />Council to transition the fire department,from a completelv paid-on-call <br />department to a combination department. This will be accomplished bv <br />hiring 4 full-time employees per year over a four-year period. On-dutv <br />staffing in the �re station will then be provided usin� a combination of <br />full-time and aid-on-cali �refi hters 24-hours a da ensurin uick <br />res onse times to emer enc calls for service. PRIORITY 1. <br />AP 5.39 Operations Division officers to complete a needs assessment of fire department <br />equipment to determine the appropriate type and number of fire apparatus to efficiently <br />and effectively serve the needs of the community, with special consideration for CFAI <br />accreditation standards, NFPA standards and ISO requirements. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 5.40 Operations Division officers to work with the City Administration to secure <br />funding for expenses associated with staffing special events, eliminating the need to fund <br />these events from the operating budget. P1tIORITY 2. <br />AP 5.41 Operations Division officers to periodically review the department's <br />performance to the Emergency Responsc Standards ensuring thc dcpartment is meeting <br />or exceeding the department's performance expectations. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 5.42 Operations Division officers to design and implement changes in the station <br />staffing, callback protocols, and dispatching standards that results in a 30% aggregate <br />reduction in total callback hours for firefighters. PRI4RITY 2. <br />AP 5.43 Operations Divisian officers to cornplete an evalualion of the current <br />dispatching systcm, evaluating the most efficient and effective dispatching delivery <br />system for RFD, making recommenc�ations for upgrades to dispatching services, with <br />consideration for CFAI accreditation standards, NFPA standards and ISO requirements. <br />PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 5.44 Operations Division officers to design and implement a"Dispatching <br />Emergency Response Standard" that ensures calls are dispatch times do not exceed 30 <br />seconds (of the receipt of the alartn), for 50% of all emergency calls, 60 seconds for 90% <br />of all emergency calls, and 1 minute, 20 seconds, for 100°/a of all emergezzcy calls. <br />PR�ORIT`Y 2. <br />Prevention, inspections & public education <br />The prevention of fires is the most basic objective of all fire departments. An accidental <br />fire that is prevented by fire prevention and inspection services is a significant bencnmark <br />of a fire department's success. In Roseville, the fire marshal and the �ire inspector are <br />44 <br />