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Fire Strategic Plan revised July 2002
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Fire Strategic Plan revised July 2002
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AP 5.61 Obtain the a roval comrnitment and financial su ort from <br />Council to add a full-time fire inspector to assist with coord�nation and <br />implementation of new Prevention. Inspections, and Public Education <br />programs. PRIORITY 1. <br />Fire Investigations <br />Currently, RFD does not have fire investigators. The causes for .fires are investigated by <br />the fire marshal and the fire inspector, in collaboration with the Rosevi�le Police <br />Department. The marshal and inspector are responsible for the investigation of fires to <br />determine cause and origin when the Incident Commander is unable to make a <br />determination of an accidental fire. This would include fires that the marshai andlor <br />inspector ultimately determine to be accidental or incendiary_ RFD also requests the State <br />Fire Marshal's office to investigate all fire deaths and large dollar-loss fires. The public <br />must be protected from individuals that commit arson and the associated death, property <br />loss, and fraud produced by this crime. <br />Obj ectives <br />• Develop and implement a program to train all fire officers on fire cause <br />determination. <br />• Develop and implement a program to purchase basic arson investigation <br />equipment that will optimize the performance of iare investigators. <br />• Develop and implement a program to improvc the working relationship with <br />Roseville police investiga#ors v�rho will be collaborating on the investigation of <br />arson fires. <br />• Develop and implement a program to facilitate a basic fire investigation class for <br />all officcrs. <br />• Develop and implement a program, in collaboration with Roseville Police, to <br />establish and implement a case prioritization procedure. <br />• Develop and implement a standard procedure for case review and submission of <br />status reports. <br />• Develop and implement an information management system to track arsons, <br />suspicious and undetermined-cause fires. <br />• Develop and implement a program to ensure that PiE Division officers obtain a.nd <br />maintain Certified Fire Investigatar (C.F.I.} status. <br />Action Plan <br />,• <br />. <br />
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