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AP.S.b2 PIE Division officers, in collaboration with the Training Division shall train 9 <br />officers (three per district} on fire cause determination. PRIORITY 5. <br />AP 5.53 PIE Division off cers shall identify and purchase arson investigation equipment <br />that will optimiie the performance of fire investigators. PRIORITY 4 <br />AP 5.64 PIE Division officers, in collaboration with the Training Division, shall facilitate <br />or host at Ieast one joint training session annually with police department <br />investigators on fire investigation topics. PRIORITY 5. <br />AP 5.65 PIE Division officers, in collaboration with the Training Division, shall facilitate <br />or host a basic fire investigations class for all department officers. PRIORITY 5. <br />AP 5.66 PIE Division officers, in collaboration with Roseville Policc, shall establish and <br />implement an arsan case prioritization procedure. PRIORITY 5. <br />AP 5.67 P�E Division officers, in collaboration with thc police department, shall improve <br />the a.rson case clearance rate by 5% each fiscal year. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 5.68 PIE Division officcrs, in collaboration with the Training Division, shail establish <br />training goals at the beginning of each fisca� year to ensure compliance with <br />NFPA standards and CFAI accreditation standards. PRIORITY 4. <br />AP 5.69 PIE Division officers shall phase-in an arson information management syste�tn <br />starting Once this system is established, quarterly reports will detail operational <br />efficiency. PRIORITY 5. <br />AP 5.70 PIE Division officers shall meet or exceed NFPA Standard 1033, "Professional <br />Qualifications for Fire Investigators" or through the Internatianal Association of <br />Arson Investigators' C.F.I. program. PRIORIT`Y 4. <br />AP 5.71 PIE Division officers shall develop improved fire investigation reporting formats <br />and overall management reports to document effectiveness and efficiency. PRIORITY 4. <br />Emergency Medical Services <br />Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is the single zx�ost prevalent opportunity to improve <br />the quality of life for the residents of Roseville. A properly designed and implcment fire- <br />based {provided by the fire department) EMS system will significantly increase a <br />resident's chance of surviving a critical medical emergency or traumatic accident. <br />Currently, Roseville Fire does not provide Emerger�cy Medical Services (EMS). The <br />current system has police offtcers (trained to the 44-hour first-responder levcl of care} <br />49 <br />