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The Steps to Create Our Strategic Plan <br />STEP 1: DEVELOPMENT OF THE BASE DOCUMENT: <br />Development of a base document that identifies the �eneral direction. This began in <br />1999 as a result of feedback from the firefighters and officers that our organization would <br />benefit from a clear direction, purposc, vision and prioritics for our future. The original <br />drafi of this plan has been activcly used to guide the depar�ment since October 1999. <br />STEP 2: DEVELOPMENT AND INPUT FROM MEMBERS #1: <br />Members of the fire departrnent serve on a strategic planning committee whose purpose <br />is to review and revise the major sections of the plan. The goal is to involve every <br />member who wants to participate i�n the process and to obtain as much input from as <br />many of our department members as possible to obtai.n a broad perspective of priorities. <br />This step includes prioriti�ing the action plans. <br />STEP 3: PLAN REV�SIONS #1: <br />The plan is adjusted based on input from members during Step 2. <br />STEP 4: DEVELOPMENT AND INPUT FROM MEMBERS #2: <br />Thc revised plan is distributed to the mcmbcrs of thc dcpartment for an additional review <br />after thc adjustmcnts from step 3 are made. <br />STEP 5: PLAN REVISIONS #2: <br />Additional input from the members of the department is used to make the final draft of <br />the plan in preparation for presentation to the City Manager and Council. <br />STEP 6: C�TY COUNCIL & CITY MANAGER REVIEW: <br />The plan is distributed to the City Manager and the City Council for review and feedback. <br />STEP 7: PREPARATION Or THE FINAL PLAN DOCUMENT: <br />This step is designed to make changes to the plan based on input from the City Manager <br />and City Council. <br />STEP 8: COiJNCIL ADOPTION: `The final plan document, to be lrnown as the <br />"Roseville Fire Department Strategic Plan" is presented to the City Council with a <br />request for Council to adopt a resolution approving the Roseville Fire Departmcnt <br />Strategic Plan. <br />STEP 9: DISTRIBUTIQN & TRAINING: Fire department employees receive a copy <br />of tk�e approved plan and training sessions are conducted on how the plan is to be used. <br />STEP 1Q: PERIODIC REVIEW: The plan is reviewed periodically for compliance and <br />adjustments. <br />5 <br />