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sECT�oN 6 <br />IMAGE <br />We view our public perception as a very important indicator of our long-term success. It <br />is our goals to ensure that the public's perception of our services matches our actual <br />performance of those services. When our members and external customers perceive that <br />RFD is well managed and provides great services, then it is our job to make sure their <br />percepEion is the reality. Perceptions are the precursors to attitudes. RFD must have a <br />plan to develop positive perceptions fram our exlernal and internal custamers_ This is <br />especially criEical in an environment of "what have you done for rne lately." The goals zn <br />this category inelude customer service, media rela#ions, marketing, and fitness. <br />Service beyond expectations <br />Public sector agencies, including RFD, understand the value of ineeting and exceeding <br />customer expectations and the importance of q,uaiity customer service. Private sector <br />organizations have long been focused on improving their commitment to serving their <br />customers. This administration has prioritized quality customer service as one of our <br />primary goals. It is vital that we focus on the needs of the citizens we serve to ensure our <br />future success. To exceed the expectations of our customers is our highest measurerr�ent <br />of success. <br />Objectives <br />• Develop and implement a program to provide classes on exceeding customer <br />expectations for fire department members. <br />• Dcvclop and imple�nent a programs that add value to our customers and <br />dernonstrates our commitment to quality. <br />• Develop and implement an "adopt a school" program to serve as a positive role <br />model for children. <br />• Develop and izx�ptement a program to provide reg�lar f re safety, life safety and <br />general safety messages to the community through a variety of inedium. <br />• Develop and implement a program to provide formal presentations to the <br />corr�nunity, through the establishment of a speaker's bureau. <br />• Develop and implement a program to host annual fire station open houses and <br />regularly attend community block parties and other civic events to promotc the <br />fire dcpartment as a civic-minded organization. <br />52 <br />