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Fire Strategic Plan revised July 2002
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Fire Strategic Plan revised July 2002
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• Develop and implement a program to invite customers to roundtable discussions <br />to give their input on fire department service issues. <br />. Develop and implement a citizens fire academy. <br />• Develop and implement a"Firefighter For A Day" program to encourage citirens <br />to ride-along with the fii-e department. <br />Action Plan <br />AP 6.l Training, Operations, and Administration Divisions will train and coach members <br />on how to exceed customer expectations through staff inectings, off'icer development <br />programs, and specific training sessions_ PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 6.2 PIE Division officers shall irnplement an "adopt a school" program for all third <br />grade students in the City. PRIORITY 5. <br />AP 6.3 Operations Division, in collaboration with the PIE Division, will assess the <br />feasibility of conducting a Citizens Fire Acade�ny. This program will scek to cducate the <br />citizens about the operatiox�s of the fire department and to provide "hands-on" training in <br />a variety of fire and life safety subjects. PRIORITY 5. <br />AP b.4 Operations Division will advertise and conduct annual open houses in each fire <br />district, reaching a minimum of 200 residents with fire prevention and educational <br />messages. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 6S Fire Administration, in cooperation with the PIE Division, will utilize the <br />departmcnt's web site to alert the community of seasonal safety messages and to market <br />the fire department to our customers. It shall be the goal to have a minimum of 50 <br />customer visits monthly and a goal of attracting a minimum of 10 new firefighter <br />canc�idates from web site visits annually. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 6.6 PIE Division officers shall present a minimum of three programs each quarter for <br />elementary and middle school students, reaching a minimum of 150 students per year. <br />PRIOR[TY 3. <br />AP 6.7 �perations Division, in collaboration with the PIE Division, shall conduct at <br />least one fire safety/recruitment exposition at Rosedalc, Har-Mar and/or Crossroads Mall <br />annually. PRI4RITY 3. <br />AP b.8 Qperations Division, in collaboration with the PIE Division, shall conduct a <br />minirnurn of 6 presentations using the Minnesota State Fire Chief's Association mobile <br />safety house annually. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 6.9 Operations Division, in collaboration with the PIE Division, shall provide a <br />minimum of 12 "Pluggie" robotic f�re plug shows on fire safety each year. <br />PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 6.10 Operations Division officers shall conduct target marketing campaigns to a <br />minimum of 6 district neighborhoods annually to distribute �ire safety (and recruitment <br />information when appropriate). PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 6.11 Operations Division shall coordinate the department's attendance at a minimum <br />of 50 neighborhood block parties annually to market fire deparhnent activities {and <br />53 <br />
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