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Fitness evaluations should be scheduled for our zxaexnbers on regular intezvals. All <br />personnel tested shou�d be issued a personalized exercise conditioning prescription after <br />each evaluation. Adherence to these personalized exercise-conditioning prescriptions will <br />be strictly voluntaay. <br />The goal of the RFD Fitness Evaluation and Conditioning prograrn would be to provide <br />all tnembers with valuable information about their personal aging trend with respect to <br />changes in functional capacity. This personalized conditioning guide would give <br />members the opportunity to deal with their own aging trend intellectually. If they become <br />suff ciently motivated by this information to improve both health and fitness, the <br />computer generated personalized exercise conditioning prescription could guide them to <br />safely and effectively achieve those objectives. <br />Obj ectives <br />• Evaluate the current fitness levels of our members. <br />• Develop and implement personal fitness programs for all members. <br />• Develop and implement a program to provide members with information, <br />equipment, facilities, and support for improved fitness. <br />• Develop and implement a proactive medical surveillance program. <br />• Devclop and implement a program to contract with a physical therapist and create <br />an internal rehabilitation prograrn for injured members. <br />• Develop and implement a program to reduce on-the job injuries to our members. <br />Action Plan <br />AP 6.37 Administration Division will strive to maximize department <br />sponsored health and fitness pro�rams, includin�, but not limited to. <br />annual fitness evaluations for all members. PRIORITY 1 <br />AP 6.38 Administration Division will distribute risk specific <br />educational materials that includes basics of nutrition, blood pressure <br />reduction, blood cholesterol management, weight loss control, and <br />smoki� ce�ssation. , PRIORITY 1. <br />AP 6.39 Administration Division will seek to provide fitness facilities <br />a�d no-cost, or reduced cost, to ali members that provides hi�h quality <br />exercise and fitness equipment. PRI4RITY 1. <br />AP 6.40 Administration Division will seek to implement a proactive <br />medical surveillance program that provides physicals for all members <br />with the frequencv based on a�e. PRIQRITY 1 <br />5$ <br />