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Marketing <br />RFD must pursue opportunities to showcase the achievements of the department to our <br />members and external customers. This not only providcs morale cnhancernents, but it <br />also details the value of an cffcctive fire department pursuing excellence in public safety. <br />The private sector knows the value of an effective marketing campaigrz to their bottom <br />1ine. This approach can be equally effective in the public sector to maintain adequate <br />funding in an era of shrinking budget allocations. The pub�ic will support a public sector <br />agency i.f they believe that superior service is being provided with their tax contributions. <br />RFD will provide service beyond the community's expectations. <br />Objective <br />• Develop programs to promote a positive image of RFD to the community, <br />members, a.nd our peers. <br />Action Plan <br />AP 6.33 Administration Division will promote the department annually with two highly <br />visible banners. The banners will market the departmcnt and be used as a recruitment <br />toal. PRIORITY 4. <br />AP 6.34 Administration Division will continue to promote the department's activities <br />through the use of thc world wide web, ensuring that infortnation remains current and <br />relevant to our customers. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 6.35 Administration Division will mazket the benefits associated with our favorable <br />ISO rating and efforts toward achievement of National Accreditation through the media, <br />public meetings, web page, and internally to our members. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 6.35 Administration Division wilt coordinate the production of a new promotional <br />video of the services provided by RFD annually. This video will be used at civic club <br />meetings, open houses, safety fairs, and other events. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 6.36 All members will be strongly encouraged to seek speaking engagements and <br />wc�ite articles for national publications. PR�OR�TY 3. <br />Fitness, uniforms and personal appearance <br />More than 50°/a of all firefighter deaths are caused by heart attack at an average age of <br />43.8 yea�rs. This is an alarming statistic. Firefighters must have sufficient levels of fitness <br />to survive the labor-intensive job of fighting fires. Currently, RFD does not provide <br />assistance to our members with a fitness testing or a maintenance plan to guide thern to a <br />healthy lifestyle and long productive life. Our external customers expect firefighters to be <br />physically fit to effectively perfortn the strenuous requirements of this job. This plan sets <br />a course to achieve improved �tness for our rnembers. <br />57 <br />