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EMERGING I�SUES <br />Introduction <br />uring the process of col- <br />lecting information about <br />the fire department and <br />emergency medical services in <br />Roseville, the committee did not <br />identify any speci{�ic complaints ar <br />criticisms regarding services pro- <br />vided. However, when presenting <br />information gathered to LWV <br />RoMaFH membership, and as the <br />committee reviewed their findings, <br />some questions were raised. The <br />following snbjects appear to be <br />among those needing attention in <br />the near future. <br />Shortage and Retention <br />of Volunteer Firefighters <br />As information about lhe Fire <br />Departmenl was collecled, �he study <br />connn�iLtee became aware of a possi- <br />ble issue concerning recruitrnent <br />attd relention of a sufficient nuinber <br />of firefibhters t� staff the three sta- <br />lions and answer fire calls. After <br />meeLing with current and retired <br />firefighlers, some of the following <br />were suggested as possible factors <br />conlributing to the decrease in the <br />number af volunteers: <br />1. it is difficult for young tncn and <br />women with familics to find <br />afFordablc housing in or ncar <br />Roscville. All firefighters <br />should live within five mites of <br />a city rire station. <br />2. Since the volun.tcer pay per <br />hour is relativcly low and thc <br />training and timc commitment <br />relatively high, a part time job <br />as a voluntccr iircfightcr is not <br />as att�ractivc as it oncc was. <br />3. Medical and physical require- <br />ments are more stringent_ <br />4. Fcw employers release their <br />cmployees during the day to <br />answcr fire calls. City employ- <br />ees who served as volunteer <br />firetighters for daytime calls <br />continue to be paid for their city <br />work while on a fire call, plus <br />their fire cal] rate. (See page <br />19.) <br />5. Many young peoplc who would <br />be possible candidales change <br />jabs frequently c�uring thcir first <br />several years in the job market. <br />"I7ie general population, as well <br />as the population of Roseville, <br />is inuch mare mobile than in <br />years past. <br />Vesting of Pension <br />Fund For Firefighters <br />The Roseville Firetighters Relief <br />Association (the pension fund for <br />volunteer tirefighters) at present <br />requires ten years of service in <br />order to he vested and 20 years for <br />maximutn retirero.ent benefits. State <br />statutc rcquires �vc ycars of service <br />�or vcsting. It has bccn to <br />our attcntion during thc information <br />gathcring stagc of thc study that <br />having a shortcr periad of timc to <br />"vcst" could possibly hclp attract <br />andlor kccp voluntccr fircfightcrs in <br />Roscvillc. <br />Response Times For <br />Fire Calls <br />Response times for tE�e first amving <br />fire truck are better when the area <br />station is staffed_ (See chart on page <br />9.) In the interview process and cal- <br />lection of infor►nation the commit- <br />tee could not identify any specific <br />complaints regarding response <br />times. <br />Allina Medical <br />Transportation <br />Proposals to Reduce <br />Response Time <br />The State of Minnesota EMS <br />licensing guideline requirements for <br />response times state the time may <br />not exceed "15 miles or 2{) minutes <br />travel time at inaximum allowable <br />speed, whichever is greater." MN <br />rules Chapter 4bI0.3400 <br />In 2002, Allina responded l0 2,398 <br />requcsts for emergency medical <br />scrvices from the City of Roseville <br />cilizens. They provided pre-arrival <br />instruction in less than a minute <br />response time for 1,481 calls. Allina <br />arrived for care in 10 minutes 59 <br />seconds or less 94.29°Io of the time, <br />the community standard. On aver- <br />age, they were at the patient's side <br />in 7 minutes 50 seconds. All of <br />these services were provided at no <br />cost to the city. <br />On January 31, 2003, Neal Beets, <br />City Manager of Roseville asked <br />Allina Medical "1'ransportation to <br />consider what the additional cost <br />would be to respond to a medical <br />emergency in the City of Roseville <br />in 3 minutes 59 seconds 90% of the <br />time. <br />In response, Ailina presenled Chese <br />approachcs to �ncct the reques�: <br />1. The first proposal would add an <br />amhulance 24 hours a day, <br />seven days a week within thc <br />City of Roseville. The aitnbu- <br />lance would be staffcd with a <br />paramedic and an EMT. Cost <br />would be $462,000 annually. <br />2. "I'he second proposal would be <br />to add a single paramedic fiest <br />responder unit 24 hours a day, <br />seven days a week_ This unit <br />would nat transpor-t paticnts but <br />would assess the paticnt's con- <br />dition and offer trcattncnt at t.he <br />scene_ If transportation wcre <br />required, an aznbulance wauld <br />be called. The cost annually <br />wa�ld be about $278,000. <br />3. Allina could provide additional <br />ambulance coverage on a fee <br />for service basis_ <br />League of Women Voter RoiNaFH 14 Rose�ille Fire Department 20U3 & Beyand <br />