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APPENDIX � <br />Study Committee Notes <br />and Inter�iews <br />We began our study with a commit- <br />tee meeting on May 28, 2002 to dis- <br />cuss the scope of our study. A list of <br />questions was prepared t.o submit to <br />Fire Chief Gasaway. Hc answered <br />21 of our questions with cicar and <br />concise written answers and also <br />sent supporting documenls. A list of <br />follow-up questions and thc follow- <br />ing meetings were sel up. <br />August 20, 2002 <br />Met with: Tim O'Neill, Assistant <br />T'ire Chief <br />Tim informed us lhat our cmer- <br />gency PSA (Prim�ry Service Area) <br />ambulance is located in Vadnais <br />Heights. He (as well as Chief <br />Gasaway) recommends a combina- <br />tion full-tirrie/volunteer firefightcr <br />team with 7-9 people on cali 24 <br />hours/day. Full-time firelighters <br />would be cross-trained in EMS and <br />firefighting; they still would not bc <br />able to transport, only stabili�e and <br />administer emergency procedures. <br />St. Pau] Dispatch receives a11911 <br />calls that are then directed to <br />Roseville_ St. Paul is contracted lo <br />respond to haza�-dous materials <br />cal.Js. Twenty percent of Roseville <br />residents are 6.5 and over. At pres- <br />ent, tk�e rire Department has about <br />900 calls per ycar. The pay is low, <br />but he fccls tnost volunteers want a <br />better rctirctncnt plan_ The <br />Roseville Fire Department Strategic <br />Plan is a written document explain- <br />ing thc rationalc and priorities of <br />lhe Firc Dcpartmcnt. According to <br />the Stralegic Plan outlined in the <br />publicalion, cach 911 call would be <br />answered by policc, firefighter/para- <br />medic, and then Cransported by <br />Allina ainbulance. <br />Octoher 8, 2002 <br />Met with: Koseville Police Chief <br />Carol Sletner <br />Also attending: Firc Chief Richard <br />Gasaway <br />Police are the ]st respanders l0 911 <br />calls. Police are in the comtnunity <br />all thc tiroe, and usually 2 cars <br />respond to calls (includes CPR & <br />defibulator). Response time is usu- <br />ally within four minutes. There are <br />46-49 policc in Roseville's deparl- <br />menl. All are full-time aff'icers. <br />Policc cannot transport. Carol sug- <br />gests we takc a position based on a <br />national st.andard. <br />October 23, 2002 <br />Met with: Neal Beets, Rasevilie <br />City Manager <br />The question of pay rates for volun- <br />leer firefighters was raised. The <br />Ci�y is doing a Compensation Study <br />£or all city employees, including <br />firerghters. Empioyees of the city <br />are neilher encouraged nor discour- <br />aged to become volunteer firetight- <br />ers. He suggeslcd shortening the <br />time to vesl for pension benetits, <br />and to pay markct. rate to volun- <br />teers. Neal is in favor of a combina- <br />tion fue deparlment, meaning some <br />fiill and some voluntcer part-time <br />firefighters. All full-timc people <br />would be cross-lraincd as para- <br />�nedics and firefighlers. With this <br />scenario, three separate groups <br />could respond to each call—first <br />responder police, paramcdic/fire- <br />fighters, and ambulance (Allina) <br />with paramedics. Other opLions <br />would be contracting with St. Paul, <br />though loyalties may be to St. Paul <br />and not Roseville_ <br />Met with: Chris IVIill�r, Roseville <br />City Finance llirector <br />Chris cxplaincd that Roseville con- <br />tribuled $250,000 to the <br />'s Pcnsion Fund in 20U2, <br />aboul $150,000 bcing state aid. This <br />amounl is nol chargcd to the Fire <br />llepartment Budget. When asked <br />the cost of hiring 2 cross-trained <br />paramedic/firefighters, he told us <br />about $120,000-$140,000 per year. <br />At the present time, beginning vol- <br />unteer firetighters earn $7 per hour. <br />Raising the starting pay to $11 per <br />hour would cost the city about <br />$340,000. There are presently four <br />volunteers who are also city <br />etnployees including the Nire <br />Marshal and Fire Inspector. They do <br />not go "off the clock" for the city <br />when on fire calls. (The expectation <br />is to make up time missed for fire <br />calls.) The T'ire Chief decides on the <br />nnrnber of calls/hours firefighters <br />must respond (presently 30%). He <br />suggested hiring at least some full- <br />time firc�ghtcrsll:MT personnel, <br />increase pay for volunteers with <br />extra pay for weckcnd duty and <br />change the pension vcsting tixne to <br />5-7 years. <br />December 77, 2002 <br />Met with: Jim '1'schida with thc <br />Roseville Firefighters Relief <br />Assaciation and ltetired Firefightcr <br />Jim Bodsg�u-d <br />One of thc bencfits of volunteer <br />firefighLers is thcir retire►nent fund. <br />(Full-lime Crc persoa.nel such as the <br />Nire Chief are not covered by this <br />fund.) To be vcstcd, 10 years of <br />service are needed. At retire�nent, <br />the iu-efighters can take a lump-sum <br />payment or an annuity atnount. The <br />fire relief fund is funded by ci .ty and <br />state contribu[ions. For[y-eight <br />retired firefighters from Roseville <br />are presently drawing from the <br />fund_ There is a shortage of volun- <br />teer firefighters in Roseville. It is <br />especially hard to find daytime vol- <br />unteers. The housing market here is <br />not as affiordable, and starting pay is <br />law. Physical and medical exams <br />are more stringent, and few employ- <br />crs let etnployees leave work to <br />answcr calls. Training required for <br />starting volunteers is eight <br />hours/wcck for six months_ <br />Recommendation:s include more <br />League of Women Voter RoMaFH 19 Roseville Fire Department 2003 & Beyond <br />