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�. <br />anc! it will increase to 43°lo by <br />lhe year 2020_ <br />Growth in the Next 20 Years: <br />8. "1'he current total housing units <br />= 15,200 est. (2002). Two sce- <br />narios have bccn developed by <br />IZoseville Communily <br />llevelopment Slaff as foll�ws: <br />9. Traditional Trend Growth <br />assumes complete build-out of <br />all vacant developablc la:nd <br />from 1999 to 2020, bascd on <br />the City's Comprchcnsivc Plan. <br />The city will havc 15,834 hous- <br />ing units and 35,600 residents. <br />LR—Low density at 4 units <br />or less per acre (increase hy <br />322 units) <br />MR—Medium density at 4 to <br />10 units per acre (increase by <br />] 08 units) <br />Hlt—High density at 10 to <br />18 units per acre (incrcase by <br />262 units) <br />10_ Concentrated Growth assumes <br />complcte build-out of aIl vacant <br />devclopable and redevelopable <br />land from 1999 to 2(}20, based <br />on the City's Comprehensive <br />Plan. The city will have 16,956 <br />housing units and 37,000+ resi- <br />dcnls. <br />LR—Low density aC 4 units <br />or less per acre (increase by <br />16 units} <br />MR—Medium dcnsity al 4 to <br />10 units per acrc (increase by <br />400 units) <br />HR—High density at l0 to <br />18 units per acre (increase by <br />�,482 units) <br />Rnseville Multi-Ta►ttily Housing <br />06servations: <br />11. Ownership: The City's goal has <br />bcen to maintain a►a�ix of 70% <br />owner occupied housing and <br />30% renta] units. Cux�rctitly <br />Roseville has 1 S,20d housing <br />units of which 69.2%v (10,516) <br />are owner occupicd and 30.8% <br />(4,h84) are rental housin�; units. <br />By age 44, over 73% own their <br />home and that continues <br />through age 75; 89% of lhe res- <br />idents betwccn 65 and 74 own <br />their honnc. Bascd on incame, <br />the majoriry of Roseville house- <br />holders with incomes of less <br />than $50,000 tcnct to rent. <br />Youngcr families who wish to <br />own arc gcnerally buying newer <br />homes outside of Roseville. <br />12. �lousing type: The City's goal <br />has been to maintain a mix of <br />6U°Io single-fa►nily dctachcd <br />housing and 40% attachcd or <br />multi-fiarnily housing. Currently <br />Rosevilic has 15,200 housing <br />units of which 58.4% (8,870) <br />are singlc-family delached units <br />and 41..6% (6,330) are multi- <br />famil.y housing unils. 1Vlost new <br />housing developed in the future <br />wi.11 bc higher density due to the <br />li.mitcd amount of laad avail- <br />ablc and Che costs of redevelop- <br />�ncnt. <br />13. Roseville has over 6,334 multi- <br />family housing units with thc <br />prospect of 250 ncw units bcing <br />constructed in each of the next <br />three years. Ry 2006 the City <br />coutd have about 7,200 multi- <br />family hausing units. <br />14. The city has over 90 ro.ulti-fam- <br />ily housing co►nplexes which <br />are home to over 8,810 resi- <br />dents. <br />15. Over 78% of the heads of <br />household within owner occu- <br />pied multi-family housing are <br />over 45 years of age; 57%n of <br />lhe heads of household are over <br />55 years of age. Approxi►nately <br />55°Io of them have lived in their <br />present home since before 1970. <br />As the average age of building <br />occupants increases, the new <br />residents tend ta be over 55 <br />years of age. <br />l6. In multi-family rental housing, <br />76%n of the head of households <br />arc 54 years of age or less; only <br />23% are over 55. This youager <br />populalion is an excellent targct <br />rnarket for first time homc <br />buyer programs in Rosevillc. <br />17_ Approxinnatcly 25% of all <br />Rosevillc households are occu- <br />pied by 1 person. Half of the <br />awner occupied singles are over <br />65 ycars of age. <br />18. Children represent approximate- <br />ly 5% of the rnulti-family gopu- <br />lation while 28°I.� (2,539) are <br />seniors over the agc ot 55. <br />19. The number of multi-family <br />complexes where children rcp- <br />resent inore than ]0%� of the <br />population is ]imited to 15 of 98 <br />total complexes. The number of <br />multi-family complexes where <br />seniors represent morc than <br />I U°Io of the population is 42 of <br />98 total complexes, cxplaining <br />the different service nccds of <br />some of these co.nnplcxcs. <br />20. Thc top ten multi-family com.- <br />plexes (in terms of number of <br />residents) range from 447 to <br />262 and average 310 residents <br />per complex—each a small <br />neighborhood. However, thc <br />majority are smailer less <br />lhan 100 residents per complex. <br />21. Approximalely 56°Io of the <br />multi-family renters ha� lived in <br />their current home for less than <br />5 years. When renters movc, <br />66% move to anather rental <br />property and 30% move to a <br />single family home_ i3etween <br />22-25°Io of all movers by tnulti- <br />family residents are to another <br />home in RoseviIle_ <br />22. Owncrs of multi-family housing <br />(condos, townhomes, coopera- <br />ti.ves) rcpresent 25% of the total <br />nnulti-family units. Of the own- <br />League of Women Voter RoMaFH 21 Roseville Fire Department 2003 & Beyond <br />