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had two s�ation wagon "ambu- <br />lances." Thc Lcague committee was <br />told that in 1964, the Police <br />Departmenl macic 285 ambulance <br />runs at no chargc. <br />Of the 32 volunteer mem�ers of the <br />Firc Dcpartment in 1965, almost all <br />lived in Roseville but many did not <br />work in the village. There was a <br />1=ire Chicf who was responsible for <br />the care and condition of all fire- <br />iighting equip�nent_ There were also <br />a lst and 2�'�i assistant, two captains, <br />two lieutenants, a tire marshal and <br />an assistant. fire marshal, each cicct- <br />ed annually by the departmenl <br />members. All of these volunteer <br />positions wcrc paid for each call. <br />There were no full-time Fire <br />Department posilions. The highest- <br />ranking volunLeer at a fire was <br />responsible for lhe actions of the <br />department. �irefightcrs were alert- <br />ed to fire calls on a radio receiver in <br />their hames. Men living or working <br />near the tire station went to the <br />department to drive trucks; others <br />answering the call went directly to <br />tl�e fire_ They were paid per hour of <br />fircfighting, inctuding thc after-f re <br />cleanup of excess water and s►noke <br />extraction. Whether men wcre <br />allowed to leave work for a fire <br />dcpended on the employer. At tliat <br />titnc, �refighters were required to <br />be between the ages of 21 and 65, <br />able-bodied, and not to be appoint- <br />ed lo Che departznent after their 36th <br />birthday. Thcrc was a six month <br />probationary peri.od_ Training was <br />conducted lwo nights each monlh, <br />witt� a practicc dri.11 at least once a <br />month. <br />Thc and assistants werc in <br />chargc of enfioecing laws dealin� <br />with firc protection and could <br />inspect all premises that might pre- <br />sent a fire ha�ard_ Records were <br />kepl by thc Chiefi regarding lhc <br />slarting time of the alartn, the loca- <br />tion of lhc fire, the name of lhe <br />property owner or tenant, lhc value <br />of the huilding, and the voluntccrs <br />responding to the alarm. <br />A second fire station was huilt in <br />1967-b8 al 2i05 N. Fairview <br />Avenue, and in 1976 a third station <br />was built at 2335 North Dale Street <br />in the eastern part of Roseville_ <br />Rosedale shopping ccnter had been <br />approved in 1970, increasing the <br />need for fire protection in the west- <br />ern side of the cily servcd by the <br />Pairview site. By 1973, t.hcze were <br />60 volunteer firefighlers for a popu- <br />lation of approximately 35,000 peo- <br />ple. <br />In March 1978, tbe North Suburban <br />Area Chamber of Commeece <br />requested the assistance of the local <br />League of Women Voters in evalu- <br />ating the need for "paramedic se�v- <br />ices" in the area, and asked the <br />League to bring the Lopic bcfore its <br />members for discussion. At tl�e <br />1.978 Annual Meeting of thc League <br />of Women Voters of Roseville, <br />Maplewoad, Falcon Heights (also <br />scrving Little Canada), it was dccid- <br />cd to study emergency medical <br />scrvices in Roseville. A committce <br />was formed anc3 met weekly for <br />scveral months. They interviewcd <br />many providers and representativcs <br />from Roseville and various sur- <br />rounding communities to coinpare <br />serviccs. Information was also <br />oblaincd from a variety of sources <br />including pcople with expertise in <br />the field of life support systems. <br />Methods of payment for such serv- <br />ices were also studicd. <br />The cozx�mittee designed consensus <br />yuestions, which were taken to the <br />full metnbership in the autumn of <br />1978 with a report hased on their <br />iinclings. Fro►x� the results oi` this <br />procedure, recom►nendations were <br />made ta the Roseville City Cauncil. <br />ln February of 1980, the Ciry <br />Council arranged for Advanced Life <br />Support (�1L.S) atnbulance service <br />League of Women Voter RoMaFH 2 fioseville Fire Department 2003 & Beyond <br />