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<br />Roseville City Council Meeting Minutes <br />Special Meeting of February 10, 2007 <br />Page 3 of 10 <br /> <br />Councilmember Pust suggested Councilmembers make every effort to reduce as <br />much paper as possible to facilitate responsible environmental conservation. <br /> <br />Councilmember Kough arrived at this time; and Mayor Klausing briefly sumn1a- <br />rized discussion to-date and the next discussion of proposed Rule 4 from City <br />Manager Malinen's memorandum. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued regarding proposed Rule 1 entitled "Timing of Council Packet <br />Formation and Delivery," and Rule 3 entitled "City Council-Requested Items and <br />Location on Agendas." Discussion included the goal as well as the reality of al- <br />lowing 10 days advance notice for an item appearing on the agenda; location of <br />those items on the agenda; whether items should be limited to Work Sessions; <br />waiting period for discussion of items of interest to individual Councilmembers; <br />and First An1endment rights and representative government concerns in limiting <br />individual Councilmembers' ability to bring forth items. <br /> <br />Councilmembers, by consensus, agreed that receiving DRAFT agendas in elec- <br />tronic format rather than paper would be sufficient for information and would <br />avoid confusion with the FINAL agenda in paper format. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan supported using Rule 3 as a guideline in bringing items to <br />Work Sessions, but would not support the provision that items could be placed on <br />a Council agenda at the request of at least two Councilmembers, and not by indi- <br />vidual request. <br /> <br />Councilmember Kough concurred. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing opined that he interpreted the provision as a response to previous <br />concerns voiced by Councilmember Ihlan regarding pursuing items and balancing <br />the rights of individual Councilmembers while allowing the body to manage their <br />meeting agendas. <br /> <br />Councilmember Pust opined that in accordance with current rules there was no vot- <br />ing at the Work Session and even if a minority wanted to have an issue voted on, if <br />new items were considered only at a Work Session a vote was prevented on that <br />topic with no representative option for a vote up or down. <br />