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<br />Roseville City Council Meeting Minutes <br />Special Meeting of February 10, 2007 <br />Page 8 of 10 <br /> <br />so efficiently, to accomplish long-term projects as well as day-to day operational <br />issues. Councilmember Pust suggested that an accurate measurement may be look- <br />ing at comparable agenda items and determining how long items took to bring to <br />conclusion (e.g., number of tin1es on the agenda and amount of time allotted for <br />discussion before action was taken). <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that it may be more appropriate to con1pare the <br />amount of time required to get through agendas at regular business n1eetings as a <br />determination of efficiency. <br /> <br />Councilmember Pust opined that while the Council was adding meetings, it needed <br />to adhere to established curfews related to specific items and the overall agenda <br />and to be efficient in discussion through honest analysis, and whether the Council <br />was adding more staff time or just filling more work time. <br /> <br />Councilmember Kough opined that each individual Councilmember was a public <br />servant, and items affecting the public required public input prior to him n1aking a <br />decision. <br /> <br />Councilmember Pust clarified that she had in no way suggested limiting public <br />comment. <br /> <br />City Manager Malinen expressed his appreciation for the Council's willingness to <br />try a different approach with the overall goal in helping the City Council accon1- <br />plish its business. Mr. Malinen requested several weeks for implementation and <br />processing through staff and their day-to-day workloads and suggested implemen- <br />tation with the March 19, 2007 Work Session and April 2, 2007 as an additional <br />Work Session as the meeting schedule was revised. Councilmembers concurred. <br /> <br />Pust moved, Ihlan seconded, adoption of the Roseville City Council Rules of Pro- <br />cedure dated August 8, 2005, with the addition and incorporation of the proposed <br />rules detailed in City Manager Malinen' s memorandum, as modified during dis- <br />cussion, with the exception of Rule 4 of the August 8, 2005 document that would <br />be replaced by language from City Manager Malinen's Rule 2 language as pre- <br />sented; and Rule 3 language changed as follows: <br /> <br />"Rule 3 City Council-Requested Items and Location on Agendas" <br />"Councilmembers are encouraged to introduce new items for discussion [,] including background <br />information and supporting materials [wRere when possible][,] [either at a Work Session or regular <br />business meeting] ot \^.'ork Sessions only. Once an item has been [introduced] discussed at-a <br />