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<br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 12, 2007 <br />Page 18 of 30 <br /> <br />sive, on-site underground storage facilities installed, substantially reducing <br />outflow, with long-term impacts yet to be determined. <br /> <br />Mr. Schwartz noted the Arona Pond (Area 5) expanded as part of the Ap- <br />plewood Pointe redevelopment, its performance to-date measured with sev- <br />eral significant rain events, and the success of that project in reducing drain- <br />age and runoff issues. <br /> <br />Mr. Schwartz detailed several new problelTI areas identified since the plan's <br />last update, and continuing study to reduce runoff rates, review of develop- <br />ment sites, and infiltration issues. <br /> <br />Mr. Schwartz briefly reviewed the Gottfried Pit/Hamline Hoyt Reconstruc- <br />tion Project (Como Area Subdivision 7), and ongoing and significant prob- <br />lems experienced south of this land-locked area and the need to look at con- <br />structing additional infiltration systems, examine soil types, and how to im- <br />plement better improvements. <br /> <br />Mr. Schwartz spoke to concerns and cooperative effolis of the City's Vari- <br />ance Board in conditioning variance approvals on 30% impervious coverage <br />restrictions; and additional code requirements that would require potential <br />mitigations issues for certain variances, with implementation of on-site im- <br />provements to reduce storm water system impacts. <br /> <br />Mr. Schwartz reviewed efforts by the Minnesota Department of Transporta- <br />tion (MnDOT) in using the 40-year old 100-year benchmark stornl data, and <br />the need to update data with new data, potentially changing design event <br />considerations for all new land use and construction; and various watershed <br />district rules and additional requirements for local municipalities. <br /> <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that the Public Works, Environment and Transporta- <br />tion Commission had reviewed the annual report and concurred with its con- <br />tent, as well as supporting short-term improvements as proposed. Mr. <br />Schwartz indicated that future mandates would include additional methods <br />for water quality improvement and storm water treatment to ensure that a <br />clean and healthy environment. <br />