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Bldg Facility Needs Committee Report Aug 2010-Mar 2011
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Fire Station
Bldg Facility Needs Committee Report Aug 2010-Mar 2011
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The committee reviewed the financial cost and potential savings involved in building one, two <br />or three fire stations, taking into account current economic conditions and the potential ability <br />of the community to support the funding needed for each potential option. <br />After much discussion regarding the current and future needs of the community and the fire <br />department, supported by the fact the department currently opErates out of one station, <br />agreed that a new centrally located, large single station option would provide the best option <br />for providing current and future service to the community. <br />Decision #3 <br />The location of new or remodeled fire station�sj. <br />The committee gathered a list of decision factors to help guide their decision as to the location <br />of the station. <br />• Emergency response time impact <br />• Available open land <br />• City owned land . <br />• Cost of purchasing land <br />• Potential to take advantage of exiting infrastructure such as geothermal and proximity <br />ta City campus <br />• Residential impacts <br />After an extensive review of the decision matrix items, much discussion, and assistance fram <br />the architectural service �rm Buetow and Associates Inc., has the fallowing perspective: <br />The primary step for the committee was to avoid a negative impact to the exceptional service <br />level and response time which currently exists. With that objective in mind, the committee then <br />proceeded to examine available land within the identi�ed ideal response time corridor. <br />Following an extensive review o#the availabfe land and potential costto purchase land within <br />the response time corridor, the committee agreed that the current location of fire station #1 <br />had many advantages. First it was within the response time corridor and is City owned land, <br />which would save an estimated 1-3 million dollars over having to purchase land. It would have <br />minimal effect on the neighborhood, as it has been the site of a fire station for more than 67 <br />years. The location would allow for fire administration to headquarter from the fire station. It <br />has the possibiEity of utilizing the existing geothermal system on campus. <br />12 <br />
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