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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/25/2012 1:32:51 PM
Creation date
6/20/2012 12:12:33 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 21,2012 <br /> Page 30 <br /> Mr. Callaghan advised that he was still waiting for the answer to his question of <br /> what mitigation was intended for traffic at Fairview Avenue and County Road <br /> D; whether it would continue to be graded as an "f' now and with future devel- <br /> opment, and why this did not seem to be important. Mr. Callaghan disputed <br /> staffs previous comments related to current stresses on the system creating the <br /> problem, since at least four (4) years ago, the intersection had been rated "f," <br /> and questioned if inaction by the City Council was acceptable. Mr. Callaghan <br /> also questioned the feasibility of building another Wal-Mart store two (2) miles <br /> from another one, and questioned the odds of both remaining open in the fore- <br /> seeable future. Mr. Callaghan provided his perspective on the operating charac- <br /> teristics of Wal-Mart when stores are opened in close proximity, based on his <br /> own research and personal observations. Mr. Callaghan questioned the City's <br /> intent when the property became vacant; and opined that it would be typical of <br /> Wal-Mart to hold the property vacant to minimize their tax burden with no re- <br /> gard to the negative impacts to a community. Mr. Callaghan opined that a Wal- <br /> Mart store in the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area was inconsistent with any of <br /> citizen plans, with no big box supported and having planned businesses within a <br /> viable walking area and easily accessed by residents. With Wal-Mart drawing <br /> shoppers from 2-4 miles away, Mr. Callaghan disputed that this was a local <br /> store versus a regional store no matter if staff considered it"limited retail." <br /> Mr. Rafael Fernandez 1966 Sharondale Ave. <br /> Mr. Fernandez concurred with previous remarks about the lack of information <br /> and notice provided to citizens; and opined whether a legal requirement or not, <br /> it was prudent to keep citizens informed. Given the short amount of time he had <br /> to research and prepare his remarks, Mr. Fernandez asked the following ques- <br /> tions: 1) What type of jobs and what wages will this store provide; 2) are em- <br /> ployees anticipated to come from the community or from other communities; <br /> and 3) what additional expenses will those employees create for Roseville and <br /> at whose expense. <br /> Mr. Fernandez questioned why the City Council would not protect its communi- <br /> ty rather than leaving it vulnerable to proposals such as this, or will Wal-Mart <br /> sufficiently compensate the community for the additional infrastructure, public <br /> safety, traffic congestion and delays, and increased crime victims; as well as <br /> what will happen to the local, small businesses established in Roseville and <br /> providing its character and quality of life. Mr. Fernandez opined that Roseville <br /> was fine as it is, and asked that it be left alone. <br /> Vivian Ramalingam,2182 Acorn Road <br /> Ms. Ramalingam sought clarification on the responsibility for construction and <br /> maintenance of roadways around this proposed development. <br /> Tim Kotecki,3078 Mount Ridge Road <br />
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