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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 21,2012 <br /> Page 29 <br /> remaining. As requested in the written comments of SWARN, Mr. Grefenberg <br /> asked the City Council to direct the Planning Division to hold an Open House if <br /> and when Wal-Mart development plans evolve to provide answers to those citi- <br /> zen questions. Mr. Grefenberg expressed his disillusionment that financial as- <br /> pects of the Development Agreement had not been provided to the public until <br /> late this afternoon, not allowing any review or informed reaction by the public. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg asked that the City Council hold off on approving the Devel- <br /> opment Agreement to allow due process for the public, given the significant im- <br /> pact this proposal will have on the community. <br /> Megan Dushin (SWARN) <br /> Ms. Dushin suggested additional conditions for the City to apply to this devel- <br /> opment, such as limiting operating hours and reducing the amount of public <br /> subsidy to this developer. <br /> Gary Grefenberg (SWARN) <br /> Mr. Grefenberg questioned, if tax increment financing (TIF) funds were allocat- <br /> ed to pay off costs, who paid for additional costs to the City, including police <br /> protection, and how this represented a public purpose. <br /> Janet Olson,418 Glenwood Avenue <br /> Given the history of concern in this area of Roseville, Ms. Olson questioned <br /> why the City didn't make more of an effort to provide notice to citizens about <br /> this development. Ms. Olson opined that the neighborhood had poured their <br /> heart and soul into making this a positive area of the community; and opined <br /> that the City had an obligation to its own citizens. Ms. Olson also questioned <br /> how the City could designate this development as "community" rather than "re- <br /> gional" business, based on her interpretation of the Comprehensive Plan and <br /> Zoning Map. <br /> Jan Bielke,2070 N Cleveland (1 mile north of proposed Wal-Mart) <br /> Ms. Bielke stated that she was appalled at how this whole thing has been han- <br /> dled. Ms. Bielke referenced past development proposals directly across from <br /> her home that she and her neighbors had fought very hard to oppose. However, <br /> Ms. Bielke opined that at least the neighborhood had been adequately noticed at <br /> that time to allow their voices to be heard. Ms. Bielke opined that it was terrible <br /> that citizens were not made more aware of this proposed development; and <br /> while not intending offense to Wal-Mart since it was not a store that she fre- <br /> quented based on her perception of their treatment and pay for their employees, <br /> she expressed her disappointment to the City Council and asked that they recon- <br /> sider this proposal. Ms. Bielke opined that there was a lot of angst among citi- <br /> zens once they become aware of the proposal. <br /> Tim Callaghan <br />