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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 21,2012 <br /> Page 37 <br /> suggesting that the Comprehensive Plan may not apply, there were other cases <br /> of Metropolitan Council approved Comprehensive Plans that flagged this as a <br /> potential legal issue. Councilmember Pust also recognized that City Ordinance, <br /> Chapter 1102, defined the process and requirements for Preliminary Plat ap- <br /> proval with that ordinance serving as the City's legal authority. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon, in context of subdivisions and for this process, concurred. <br /> Councilmember Pust opined that the City, through its ordinance, was given that <br /> authority from the State, and when ordinances were enacted, the public was as- <br /> sured of their fair and equal treatment based on the same criteria without arbi- <br /> trary issues. However, in referencing Chapter 1102, Councilmember Pust noted <br /> that it specifically stated that the City would have a Preliminary Plat approval <br /> process, then a Final Plat approval process. Councilmember Pust advised that <br /> she could find nothing in City ordinance combining those two processes, caus- <br /> ing her to question if the City had the statutory authority to combine that ap- <br /> proval process in one action. Councilmember Pust opined that the City Council <br /> therefore, should not take action tonight on this issue. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan responded regarding the issue of potential conflicts with <br /> the Zoning Code, Comprehensive Plan, and the Twin Lakes Master Plan. Mr. <br /> Gaughan noted the importance, for this discussion and the Development <br /> Agreement addressing infrastructure, that the focus was not on potential or fu- <br /> ture ultimate use of the property, but simply platting currently subdivided prop- <br /> erty, or redrawing lines. Mr. Gaughan advised, when considering whether this <br /> application conformed to the City's Zoning Code and Subdivision regulations, it <br /> was not based on future use, but whether dividing the property into three (3) <br /> parcels conformed to those controls. <br /> Regarding whether this use fits into the CMU or Regional Business, as brought <br /> up correctly by Mr. Grefenberg, Mr. Gaughan advised that it only came into <br /> play when the Community Development Department issued the building permit. <br /> Once the Building Permit is issued, Mr. Gaughan noted that there was a ten (10) <br /> day window for appeal of that decision if an argument is made that this project's <br /> actual use does not conform to whatever the official control was. Mr. Gaughan <br /> confirmed that this would be an appropriate process for such a debate at that <br /> time. However, Mr. Gaughan again clarified that the purpose of tonight's re- <br /> quest for action was for the purpose of redrawing lines regardless of their use. <br /> Mr. Gaughan advised that the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC)has confirmed <br /> that the City can't take the potential use into account in making that decision. <br /> Regarding Preliminary and Final Plat approval or denial, Mr. Gaughan advised <br /> that, state-wide, cities have the ability to consolidate those processes, even if the <br /> Roseville City Code does not specifically consolidate them in its current lan- <br /> guage, it does not specify that it won't consolidate them. Mr. Gaughan noted <br /> that the Final Plat must be completed within sixty(60) days, and while there ap- <br />