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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
6/21/2012 10:23:21 AM
Creation date
6/21/2012 10:22:23 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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204 Member Von De Linde opined that, depending on who those appointees were, they would be coming onto <br />205 the GLWMO Board after having been fully advised of the situation with the GLWMO. <br />206 <br />207 Ms. Lewis concurred; noting that Mr. Maloney had advised her that he was alerting all applicants of the <br />208 situation and short tenure for their service on the GLWMO Board. <br />209 <br />210 Member Von De Linde noted that she would be unable to attend the March meeting, so those appointees <br />211 to the GLWMO Board would be required to achieve a quorum. <br />212 <br />213 Motion 12- 0211-03 <br />214 Member Barrett moved, and Member Von De Linde seconded approval of directing Mr. Petersen to <br />215 provide written notice to the City Clerks of member Cities Shoreview and Roseville of the GLWMO <br />216 Board's intent to vote for dissolution at their March Regular meeting ( *date rescheduled to March 22, <br />217 2012 for the regular meeting); and directing Mr. Petersen to draft a resolution for Board consideration at <br />218 that March meeting. <br />219 <br />220 Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion carried. <br />221 <br />222 Action Steu <br />223 Given time constraints, Chair Miller directed Mr. Petersen to deliver that written notice to the City Clerks <br />224 before the end of business on Friday, February 17, 2012. <br />225 <br />226 Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc. — Final Deliverables and Final Invoice <br />227 Mr. Petersen summarized the GLWMO DRAFT Watershed Management Plan Deliverables from <br />228 Emmons & Olivier Resources, Ina (EOR) and their request for final payment of their invoice #00995- <br />229 001 -7 dated October 20, 2011, previously deferred by the GLWMO Board. Mr. Petersen distributed <br />230 copies of a DVD with those final deliverables for the GLWMO Draft Watershed Management Plan — <br />231 2011 -2021; however, he noted that it had only been delivered earlier this afternoon and he had yet to <br />232 review it to ensure all deliverables and revisions to the plan had been processed (e.g., removal of the "No <br />233 Wake Zone" strategy). Background information and status were detailed in Mr. Petersen's memorandum <br />234 dated February 8, 2012 and entitled, "EOR's Final Invoice;" and in the FOR memorandum dated <br />235 February 15, 2012 to the GLWMO Board and entitled, " GLWMO DRAFT Watershed Management Plan <br />236 Deliverables." Mr. Petersen suggested the Board may wish to direct Chair Miller and him to finalize <br />237 negotiations and deliverables with FOR and move to make final payment to FOR rather than deferring <br />238 that payment for another month. <br />239 <br />240 Chair Miller advised that he didn't foresee any issues or any rationale in continuing to defer payment of <br />241 the final invoice; however, he was not comfortable approving it straight out without having more time to <br />242 review the deliverables. Chair Miller reviewed options for the GLWMO Board to vest authority for <br />243 payment and final approval of the deliverables, pending his review; or to hold action until the March <br />244 Board meeting at which time the final invoice could be approved. <br />245 <br />246 Members Von De Linde and Barrett spoke in support of the first option. <br />247 <br />248 Mr. Petersen asked that Members perform their own individual reviews of the materials and provide <br />249 comment to him immediately if they found any issues. <br />250 <br />251 Motion 12- 0211-04 <br />252 Member Von De Linde moved, and Member Barrett seconded approval of vesting authority to Chair <br />253 Miller and Mr. Petersen to approve remitting the final FOR invoice to the GLWMO Board's fiscal agent <br />
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