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<br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 12, 2007 <br />Page 11 <br /> <br />Mr. Brokke noted that the total State bond funds were $500,000, with <br />$40,000 reserved for architectural/engineering fees, leaving $460,000; with <br />$89,000 allocated from the City Building Replacement Fund. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing sought clarification on how use of these City Funds would <br />impact the fund itself and future needs for City facilities. <br /> <br />Finance Director Miller advised that staff had anticipated the need to draw <br />from these funds for this project; and noted that there was currently ap- <br />proximately $800,000 in funds at this time, with anticipated major refrigera- <br />tion project funds required in the near future, in addition to any additional <br />facility improvements, none of which were anticipated at this time or within <br />the next five years, with the exception of the refrigeration project. Further <br />discussion included the anticipated need to replenish the fund over the next <br />10-20 years; and how the only funding source was through annual interest <br />earnings at this time. <br /> <br />Further discussion included how priorities were established for use of these <br />funds, with staff advising that there was no established methodology at all, <br />with staff discussing some priorities and needs. <br /> <br />It was Council consensus, and Mayor Klausing directed staff to include dis- <br />cussion of this Building Replacement Fund as part of the upcoming budget- <br />ing process, specifically as part of the structural budget requirements. <br /> <br />Mr. Brokke noted that staff was in the process of seeking Requests for Pro- <br />posals (RFP's) for a geothermal study for the Skating Center. <br /> <br />Further discussion included the projected revenue sources to be realized <br />through updating and expanding the restroom facilities, specifically as it re- <br />lated to wedding and banquet rentals. <br /> <br />Mr. Brokke noted that the 2006 season had been an exceptional year for the <br />facility; recognized staff for their work; and expressed staff's desire to make <br />the facility become more effective and well-managed. <br /> <br />Roe moved, Pust seconded, authorizing the acceptance of the base bid (south <br />entry addition/remodel) in the amount of $403,000; authorizing the accep- <br />