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<br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 12, 2007 <br />Page 15 <br /> <br />cil term. Mayor Klausing advised that it remained his intent to reappoint <br />Mr. Maschka to serve in this capacity, to provide continuity and sensitivity <br />from a City Council perspective; and recognizing Mr. Maschka's passion for <br />housing issues. Mayor Klausing questioned Councilmembers as to their <br />preference for interviewing Mr. Maschka. <br /> <br />Council member Ihlan questioned whether all HRA vacancy applications had <br />been made public; noting that they weren't included in the City Council <br />packet, and requested publication of the applicant names, at a minimum. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued as to the process for posting applicants; with staffhistori- <br />cally providing the applications in the Council packets; but not posting them <br />on the website. <br /> <br />Staff was directed to make all applications to the HRA vacancy available to <br />the City Council; and Mayor Klausing directed staff to prepare a Mayor's <br />Certificate of Appointment, pursuant to State law, for the next City Council <br />meeting. <br /> <br />11. Reconsider Four City Council Meetings per Month <br />Mayor Klausing recognized previous Council consensus, without motion, <br />for increasing the frequency of Council meetings. Mayor Klausing sought <br />reconsideration of the intent for more meetings; suggesting that the Council <br />continue to make their meetings more efficient, and possibly reserving the <br />last Monday of each month as a default meeting, if agenda items and issues <br />warranted such. <br /> <br />Councilmember Pust strongly concurred with Mayor Klausing; recognizing <br />the Council's need to get more familiar with the length and content of agen- <br />das; and her preference in keeping meetings to three per month. Council- <br />member Pust noted the need to get the people's work done, and the rules <br />now in place limiting the meeting length. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan concurred with the previous suggestion of City Man- <br />ager Bill Malinen to hold Study Sessions between regular business meetings, <br />in order to bring an item before the Council for discussion on more than one <br />occasion prior to decision-making. Councilmember Ihlan opined that she <br />was willing to take the expertise of the new City Manager in attempting that <br />schedule on a trial basis, and that it may prove beneficial to the City Council <br />in accomplishing their work; and hoped the rest of the City Council would <br />reconsider more frequent meetings. <br />