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<br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 12,2007 <br />Page 8 <br /> <br />7. James Addition Alternative Access <br />Public Works Director Duane Schwartz provided meeting minutes of the <br />Public Works, Environment and Transportation Commission (PWET), since <br />the City Council had referred the James Addition alternative access issue to <br />them on August 21, 2006, for further study and to seek consensus by the <br />neighborhood. The staff report, dated March 12, 2007, addressed the six <br />original alternatives available, with the three most viable options presented <br />to the neighborhood at the PWET October of 2006 meeting for resident <br />feedback. Mr. Schwartz provided the options and summarized public reac- <br />tion to those three options. <br /> <br />The overall findings of the study reported: <br />· Resident feedback indicated a preference for leaving access as it exists <br />today; <br />· Overwhelming opposition from the 20 residents attending to any alterna- <br />tive access that would remove homes from the neighborhood and pre- <br />ferred to live with the closure if the Minnesota Department of Transpor- <br />tation (MnDOT) moved forward versus the alternatives studies; <br />· MnDOT continued to hold firm on full closure of the median at Oakcrest <br />on Snelling A venue after allowing the City to fully study alternative ac- <br />cess and implement improvements; and <br />· Additional traffic analysis would be required to determine if any signali- <br />zation on Fairview Avenue would be beneficial to neighborhood access. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan thanked staff and the PWET for providing discussion <br />and receiving public input; and suggested that, given Councilmember <br />Kough's interest in this access, and his involvement at the PWET level, that <br />this item be put on the next Study Session agenda for further discussion and <br />to provide additional staff direction when he can attend. Councilmember Ih- <br />Ian further questioned whether MnDOT had given consideration to public <br />safety issues and emergency access to the neighborhood, and specifically to <br />the assisted living facility most dramatically impacted by full closure of the <br />access. <br /> <br />Mr. Schwarz advised that such consideration may be a good point to raise <br />with MnDOT; and to request a knock-down barricade, in addition to com- <br />municating the access change to emergency providers. <br />