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362 <br />363 Amendments <br />364 Consensus was to amend the motion to include any Roseville and /or Shoreview residents taking <br />365 advantage of these workshops. <br />366 <br />367 Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion carried <br />368 <br />369 Member Barrett left the meeting at this time, approximately 4:50 p.m. <br />370 <br />371 Third Generation Plan: Revisions to the Draft Executive Summary (Petersen) <br />372 Chair Miller advised that the past GLWMO Board Chair, Karen Eckman, had asked the GLWMO Board <br />373 to make revisions of the FOR Executive Summary to better reflect the legacy and history of the GLWMO <br />374 prior to passing it on to the next organization. Chair Miller noted that FOR had provided the document in <br />375 WORD format, at the request of the GLWMO Board, to make those revisions easier. <br />376 <br />377 Mr. Petersen advised that some of the comments and revisions following public comment and the Public <br />378 Hearing had inadvertently not been incorporated into a final composite document. Mr. Petersen advised <br />379 that Ms. Eckman, 2001 GLWMO Board Chair, suggested to Mr. Petersen and Chair Miller, that the <br />380 Executive Summary could be adjusted to be more of a status document representing GLWMO <br />381 constituents to allow the next WMO to be aware of the expectations of GLWMO citizens for their <br />382 watershed as developed over the period of the Third Generation Planning process. While there would be <br />383 no obligation of the future WMO to adhere to these expectations, Mr. Petersen opined that it would serve <br />384 as a final statement and bring positive closure for the GLWMO. <br />385 <br />386 Discussion included anticipated cost for making these revisions unknown at this time; rationale in <br />387 changing the Executive Summary immediately after moving to dissolve the GLWMO; follow - through to <br />388 incorporate Public Comments; or whether simply attaching those comments to the Plan, along with a <br />389 record of past meeting minutes and GLWMO Board actions, as it is handed off to the next WMO would <br />390 not suffice rather than formally revising the Executive Summary at additional time and expense. <br />391 <br />392 Chair Miller suggested that the Executive Summary may just as applicable in the form of a letter to the <br />393 new WMO. <br />394 <br />395 Mr. Maloney noted the need to clarify that the Executive Summary, no matter its final format, represented <br />396 work done to -date by the GLWMO Board, and as part of the Third Generation Plan, and not perceived as <br />397 a separate, stand -alone initiative. <br />398 <br />399 Action Steu <br />400 Chair Miller, with GLWMO Board consensus, directed Mr. Petersen to prepare and present a more <br />401 detailed description of the process and proposed final product (e.g. staff time, printing costs) for the <br />402 Board to consider approving at its April 2012 meeting. <br />403 <br />404 Lake Association Liaison Reports <br />405 • Lake Owasso (Chair Miller) <br />406 • Lake Wabasso (Member Von De Linde) <br />407 • Snail Lake (Member Barrett) <br />408 <br />409 No reports were presented. <br />410 <br />411 Lake Owasso Vegetation Management Plan Update (Petersen) <br />