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<br />City Council Study Session <br />Minutes of Monday, May 14,2007 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />Mr. Doherty noted that, given the tight timeline, the CAG didn't have <br />sufficient time to develop specific criteria for each recommendation <br />and the multiple issues required for discussion and recommendation. <br /> <br />At this time, several other citizen-at-large members of the CAG, Vivian Ramalin- <br />gam, and Darrel LeBarron, arrived, were introduced by Mr. Doherty, and joined <br />presenters at the table. <br /> <br />Councilmember Pust thanked citizens taking part in discussions and <br />providing input, as well as those citizens serving on the CAG; and <br />thanked them for their commitment to dig deep and wrestle through <br />the issues. Councilmember Pust observed that several Councilmem- <br />bers had sat in on some of the meetings; and opined that, given the <br />varying opinions and passionate discussions, she was pleasantly sur- <br />prised that consensus had been reached on the majority of the CAG's <br />recommendations. Councilmember Pust again expressed her appre- <br />ciation to the citizens serving on the CAG for their truly great work. <br /> <br />Mr. Doherty, in acknowledging the appreciation expressed, noted that <br />the report didn't reflect all the things that he wanted; however, noted <br />that this was true for all parties, and represented a compromise after <br />much thought and consideration. <br /> <br />Councilmember Pust encouraged all interested citizens to read the en- <br />tire report, opining that it was very informative and concise, and easy <br />to understand; and again thanked staff and the CAG. <br /> <br />Ms. Bakeman noted that lots of meeting time was spent reflecting on <br />how to word the report to ensure that the CAG's consensus was re- <br />flected; in addition to much time spent on editing by the group outside <br />their regular meeting times. <br /> <br />Councilmember Pust stated, for the record, that when this issue was <br />brought up, it was her perception that citizens in the community <br />wanted a certain result; however, she applauded those who took the <br />time to do the work, and offered her deference to their work and their <br />recommendations, given the amount of time and analysis they pro- <br />vided; and showing her personal respect to the group by following <br />their recommendations. <br />