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<br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 11,2007 <br />Page 15 <br /> <br />10. Other Business Items <br />a. Imagine Roseville 2025 - Receive an Imagine Roseville 2025 Pro- <br />gress Update and Report on the Communications Plan <br />City Manager Malinen provided a bench handout entitled, "Imagine <br />Roseville 2025 Goals/Strategies - Department: Finance," as a sample <br />of staffs current department-specific brainstorming, projected time- <br />lines, and proposed strategy in addressing the Imagine Roseville 2025 <br />Goals/Strategies. <br /> <br />Councilmember Kough questioned what advantage a community sur- <br />vey would do beyond the community visioning already completed. <br /> <br />City Manager Malinen advised that staff was not seeking a commu- <br />nity survey at this point; however, noted its benefits for the future in <br />determining community support for ongoing projects, and assisting <br />the City Council in their policy-making role and how those policies <br />were received by the public. <br /> <br />As the second part of the update on the Imagine Roseville 2025, staff <br />reviewed a draft Communications Plan, as created by staff and a sub- <br />committee of Councilmembers Pust and Roe. <br /> <br />Communication Specialists Tim Pratt and Carolyn Curti presented the <br />outline, to ensure stakeholders consisting of residents, Councilmem- <br />bers, Advisory Commissions, staff, and community members includ- <br />ing businesses, civic groups, faith communities, visitors, schools (stu- <br />dents, administrators, teachers, and parents) remained and/or became <br />involved. Ms. Curti reviewed the key messages to keep before the <br />public. <br /> <br />The "Imagine Roseville Communications Plan" is attached. <br /> <br />Mr. Pratt reviewed potential ideas or products to accomplish keeping <br />the community involved, and projected cost estimates. Mr. Pratt <br />noted the suggestion for annual recognition/celebration, or "report <br />card" at a Town Hall meeting to present awards and update the com- <br />munity on progress and recognize community involvement and to <br />continue encouraging dialogue. <br />