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<br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 11,2007 <br />Page 28 <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing advised that he would be happy to consider a motion <br />by Councilmember Ihlan at a future meeting; once she had provided a <br />copy of her proposal to Councilmembers for their review and consid- <br />eration. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan advised that she could provide copies; and pre- <br />ferred consideration of the issue sooner rather than later; then provid- <br />ing a verbal reading of her proposed motion; and seeking to have it on <br />the next City Council agenda. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing advised Councilmember Ihlan to submit her proposal <br />to City Manager Malinen to be included in an upcoming City Council <br />packet. <br /> <br />e. Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) - Discuss Options <br />for Implementation of the HRA Citizen Advisory Group Recom- <br />mendations on Rental Housing (HF 0036) <br />Community Development Director John Stark provided a summary of <br />past Citizen Advisory Group (CAG) review of a draft rental licensing <br />ordinance and issues associated with rental properties, and their sub- <br />sequent recommendations to the City's HRA. Mr. Stark advised that <br />the group met throughout the summer of 2006, and reviewed data, <br />heard from codes, building, police and fire staff, as well as reviewing <br />other ordinance and their effectiveness. <br /> <br />Mr. Stark noted that one positive result of the recommendations was <br />the ongoing development by staff of a relationship with the admini- <br />stration at Northwestern College and a process to work on issues in- <br />volving the College property, students and Roseville citizens. <br /> <br />Dean Maschka, 1695 Millwood, HRA Representative <br />Mr. Maschka was representing the HRA at the request of HRA Chair <br />Bill Majerus who had a scheduling conflict. Mr. Maschka advised <br />that the most frustrating issue for the HRA was Recommendation #2 <br />related to the code enforcement process and addressing public con- <br />cerns and neighborhood aesthetic concerns expressed by property <br />owners due to isolated problem properties. Mr. Maschka, on behalf of <br />Mr. Majerus and the HRA, urged the City Council to look at that rec- <br />ommendation at the City Council's earliest convenience. <br />