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276 <br />f. Licensee may self-insure with respect to the requirements of this section. <br />277 <br />278 <br />g. All policies required shall provide that the policy will not be canceled, materially <br />279 <br />changed, or non-renewed without at least 30 days’ prior written notice to University. <br />280 <br />281 <br />h. Licensee’s General Liability and Automobile Liability policies will be primary <br />282 <br />and any insurance maintained by University is excess and non-contributory. The <br />283 <br />certificate of insurances must reflect that the above wording is included in the required <br />284 <br />policies. <br />285 <br />286 <br />5.2 Contractors’ and Consultants’ Insurance Requirements. Licensee shall require its <br />287 <br />contractors and consultants entering onto the University Property to obtain and keep in force the <br />288 <br />following insurance: <br />289 <br />290 <br />a. Commercial General Liability with minimum limits of $5,000,000 each <br />291 <br />occurrence, $5,000,000 Products/Completed operations aggregate and $5,000,000 general <br />292 <br />aggregate per project. Policy shall be on ISO Form CG 00 01 or its equivalent and <br />293 <br />include coverage for Products/Completed Operations which shall be maintained for a <br />294 <br />period of three (3) years after completion of any work on the University Property. <br />295 <br />Regents of the University of Minnesota shall be named as an additional insured for <br />296 <br />ongoing and completed operations by endorsement on ISO forms CG 2010 07 04 and CG <br />297 <br />2037 07 04 (or their equivalent as approved by University). <br />298 <br />299 <br />b. Business Automobile Liability Insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 any <br />300 <br />one accident or loss. Policy shall be written on ISO Form CA 00 01 or equivalent and <br />301 <br />apply to all owned, hired and non-owned automobiles. Regents of the University of <br />302 <br />Minnesota shall be named as an additional insured. Pollution liability coverage equivalent <br />303 <br />to that provided by ISO pollution liability-broadened coverage for autos endorsement CA <br />304 <br />99 48 and the Motor Carrier Act endorsement MCS90 shall be included. <br />305 <br />306 <br />c. Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Workers’ compensation insurance in <br />307 <br />compliance with all statutory requirements of the State of Minnesota. <br />308 <br />309 <br />d. Employer’s Liability Insurance. Minimum limits of $1,000,000 bodily injury by <br />310 <br />disease per employee; $1,000,000 bodily injury by disease aggregate; and $1,000,000 <br />311 <br />bodily injury by accident. <br />312 <br />313 <br />e. Contractor’s Pollution Liability Insurance, if applicable to Contractor’s Work, <br />314 <br />with minimum limits of $1,000,000 each occurrence/annual aggregate. <br />315 <br />316 <br />e. All policies required shall provide that the policy will not be canceled, materially <br />317 <br />changed, or non-renewed without at least 30 days’ prior written notice to University. <br />318 <br />319 <br />f. All policies, through endorsement (including self-insurance programs if <br />320 <br />applicable), must state that the policy is primary and any insurance maintained by <br />321 <br />7 <br /> <br />