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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 16,2012 <br /> Page 10 <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that this was not part of the requested action to- <br /> night, while sharing similar concerns to those expressed by Councilmembers <br /> Pust and McGehee. <br /> Mayor Roe referenced the resolution regarding HRA appointment and/or reap- <br /> pointment, as per State Statute, Section 2 for that action no later than 60-days <br /> prior to the expiration of their term. Mayor Roe noted that, if the City Council <br /> chose to take no action tonight, it would automatically create a vacancy on the <br /> HRA Board. <br /> Under those circumstances, Councilmember Pust suggested a series of motions. <br /> Pust moved, Willmus seconded, adoption of Resolution No.10990(Attachment <br /> A) entitled, "Resolution Approving Mayor's Reappointment of Dean Maschka <br /> to the Housing & Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Roseville;" <br /> for a five (5) year term beginning September 24, 2012 to September 23, 2017. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Johnson, Mayor Roe advised that the last time <br /> there was a vacancy on the HRA, there was one (1) applicant for that one (1) <br /> position. However, Mayor Roe noted that the City Council could not presume <br /> that this would be the same situation this time, and noted that they would con- <br /> sider any and all applications. <br /> Councilmember Pust noted that it was also important to note that the last person <br /> appointed to the HRA had resigned from the HRA Board upon leaving the City, <br /> and then upon return to the City asked to be reappointed to fill the position of <br /> her replacement to the HRA Board who had only served for a few months be- <br /> fore forced to resign due to personal reasons. Councilmember Pust noted that <br /> this was a unique situation, but was not an open process, and the opening had <br /> not been posted. <br /> At Councilmember McGehee's expressed concern in how to vote prior to future <br /> discussion, Mayor Roe reviewed the appointment/reappointment process, and <br /> suggested that she could take a position on the reappointment at this time, while <br /> reserving her right to have a position on a different matter for the City Council <br /> and HRA Board. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Pust; McGehee; Willmus; Johnson. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Abstentions: Roe. <br /> Motion carried. <br />