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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 16,2012 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Pust moved, Willmus seconded, declaring a vacancy on the HRA Board, open- <br /> ing the application process, and encouraging the incumbent to reapply for the <br /> position for consideration with other applicants, with the Mayor asked to con- <br /> sider applicants based on term limits. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in opposition to the process outlined in that <br /> motion; opining that she would rather not ask someone to reply in open forum, <br /> but would prefer moving forward with further discussion as to whether or not <br /> term limits were indicated. <br /> Councilmember Willmus spoke in opposition to the motion, noting his second- <br /> ing of it for discussion purposes only; suggesting that this issue be revisited in <br /> the future, specifically what an appropriate time frame was for service on the <br /> HRA Board. Councilmember Willmus suggested that a sunset provision be <br /> consistent with that already in place for the City Council's citizen advisory <br /> commissions. <br /> Mayor Roe reiterated that if the City Council took no action on reappointment <br /> tonight, it would serve to automatically create a vacancy on the HRA. Mayor <br /> Roe noted that any citizen could apply for a vacancy without limitations; how- <br /> ever, since it was a mayoral appointment, this placed a limitation on who got <br /> appointed, making the entire process with mayoral appointment versus City <br /> Council appointment to citizen advisory commissions different. <br /> Sensing no support for the motion, Councilmember Pust withdrew the motion. <br /> In providing his personal rationale in his original development of the HRA Res- <br /> olution during his tenure on the City Council and before election as Mayor, <br /> Mayor Roe advised that he had intended that the resolution mirror that of advi- <br /> sory commissions. However, in vigorous discussions with Mayor Klausing at <br /> that time and inception of the HRA, Mayor Roe noted that Mayor Klausing had <br /> advised that he could not support that term limit and appointment process, since <br /> he questioned whether the Mayor would be bound by that resolution or strictly <br /> by State Statute. Due to that discussion, Mayor Roe advised that he had re- <br /> spected that perspective and drafted the resolution accordingly. Mayor Roe ad- <br /> vised that his personal opinion had been and remained that term limits make <br /> sense; and noted that he had held discussions with HRA Member Majerus on <br /> that issue. However, Mayor Roe advised that Member Majerus had assured him <br /> of his continued and enthusiastic interest in continuing to serve on the HRA; <br /> with Mayor Roe advising that when Member Majerus lost that enthusiasm, he <br /> could then step down from his role on the HRA. <br /> McGehee moved, Johnson seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 10991 (At- <br /> tachment A) entitled, "Resolution Approving Mayor's Reappointment of Bill <br />