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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 16, 2012 <br /> Page 15 <br /> Mr. Hawe advised that taprooms are popular brewery destinations across the coun- <br /> ty; and advised that they were fine with more consistent hours. Mr. Hawe noted <br /> that they would not operate to the extent of the proposed hours on weekdays, since <br /> their main interest is in running a brewery, with no intention of operating a night <br /> club. <br /> Chris Denglin <br /> Mr. Denglin concurred with Mr. Hawe, noting that their intent of putting forth the <br /> hours were to serve as talking points for the City Council and not set in stone from <br /> their perspective. Mr. Denglin advised that the hours were provided after exhaus- <br /> tive research by him and Mr. Hawe on various business models. Mr. Denglin em- <br /> phasized that their main business and interest was as a brewery, not as a pub. Mr. <br /> Denglin noted that to operate other than intended, it would change tax status and <br /> their ability to sell growlers as related to the pint laws and number of barrels. <br /> Mr. Denglin reviewed several points: <br /> 1) Per state law,the only product that can be sold is what is brewed on site. <br /> 2) From various brewery models and start ups of breweries, smaller taprooms are <br /> more frequent; however, they chose a larger business model based on the num- <br /> ber of batches and time to brew them, with this model providing a greater return <br /> on their time and investment. Mr. Denglin suggested that limiting square foot- <br /> age or size of a building would not impact them, while they would prefer no <br /> such limitations. <br /> 3) Regarding music, Mr. Denglin recognized the City's intent to differentiate <br /> dance and/or night clubs from this use. Mr. Denglin noted that this use is in- <br /> tended specifically as a brewery, not a dance club, even thought guests may be <br /> invited to play music for special events (e.g. Oktoberfest), but the music is <br /> meant for fun, not to get around any other City rules. Mr. Denglin advised that <br /> they would be amenable to the City stipulating about amplified or non-amplified <br /> music restrictions. <br /> 4) Regarding hours, Mr. Denglin reiterated their intent in submitted proposed <br /> hours as talking points; and advised that they were open to the City Council's <br /> ruling on hours. Mr. Denglin suggested that if the Police Department was aware <br /> of their daily closing time, it would obviously be easier for them to enforce. As <br /> far as opening any earlier than they suggested, Mr. Denglin advised that they <br /> had no intent of opening any earlier. <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested hours of operation from 12:00 Noon to 10:00 <br /> p.m., and questioned if that would satisfy their business model and any future ex- <br /> pansion without returning to the City Council for further action. <br /> Mr. Denglin advised that the only issue for them would be with tours on Sundays, <br /> and longer hours on Saturdays, since operations on Sunday were restricted by State <br /> Statute for off-sale on Sunday. <br />