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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 16, 2012 <br /> Page 16 <br /> Mr. Hawe noted that the main intent is to get people on site to purchase growlers, <br /> and with limited hours on Sunday, they preferred extended hours on Saturday. <br /> While being able to work with the suggested hours by Councilmember McGehee, <br /> Mr. Hawe suggested hours for Saturday from 10:00 am to 10:00 p.m. to accommo- <br /> date and encourage more foot traffic. <br /> Councilmember Willmus questioned if the City Council wanted to adopt a set of <br /> hours specifically amenable to this applicant, or adopt hours generically for this and <br /> other future potential breweries. <br /> Mayor Roe recognized that as a perfect discussion for City Council consideration. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that the City Council define the hours for admin- <br /> istration and enforcement under this new license category rather than relying solely <br /> on the current applicant's preference. <br /> Councilmember McGehee clarified that it was not her intention to be specific as to <br /> this applicant; but her intent was to come up with hours that would work for the ap- <br /> plicant as well as the City. Given her lack of information on taprooms in general, <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked if the suggested hours were within a range that the <br /> applicant could work with. <br /> Mr. Hawe advised that they were within that range. <br /> Mayor Roe questioned the applicant's role in wholesale sales; with the applicant re- <br /> sponding that they could deliver kegs themselves; however, they were already <br /> working with and intended to contract for distribution by a wholesaler. <br /> Mr. Denglin advised that while they had the ability to deliver themselves, they <br /> wanted to concentrate on brewing, not delivery. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Patrick Schmidt, 1140 Autumn Street <br /> Mr. Schmidt provided his credentials as a Professor of Political Science and Gov- <br /> ernment Regulations, and as a "designer beer fan," he was familiar with alcohol li- <br /> censing across states. Mr. Schmidt offered his thanks to the City Council for their <br /> flexibility in considering this type of license, and opined that it was nice to see this <br /> moving forward. Mr. Schmidt opined that this was a great form of tourism and <br /> craft artistry, as well as a great opportunity for economic development in the com- <br /> munity. Mr. Schmidt opined that it served as good credit to the City Council. <br /> Gary Grefenberg,91 Mid Oaks Lane <br />