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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 16, 2012 <br /> Page 20 <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the City had a noise ordinance that should address any <br /> potential problems. <br /> Councilmember Pust concurred. <br /> Mayor Roe asked Mr. Miller, in existing liquor code requirements (Section <br /> 302.11) related to sales outside a structure on licensed premises (e.g. patios) <br /> whether they would have to meet city code noise requirements. <br /> Mr. Miller responded affirmatively, that this would be a secondary approval. <br /> Also, regarding City Code (Section 302.10) and evacuation of establishments <br /> within thirty (30) minutes past closing time, Mayor Roe questioned if that <br /> would apply to taprooms as well, with Mr. Miller concurring that it seemed an <br /> implicit part of the ordinance already and needed no further stipulations. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested, with concurrence by Councilmember Johnson, that the <br /> hours of sale of 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. should be also be incorporated into Sec- <br /> tions 302.09, referencing State Statute 348.504. <br /> Johnson moved, McGehee seconded, enactment of Ordinance No. 1428 (At- <br /> tachment A) entitled, "An Ordinance Amending Title 3, Section 302, Liquor <br /> Control;" establishing an on-sale brewer taproom liquor license category; <br /> amended as follows: <br /> Additional language in section 302.02, Paragraph F, Item 1: "The requirements <br /> of Section 302.10 of this chapter shall also apply to the brewery taproom clos- <br /> ing time." and in Section 302.09, brewery taproom hours of ale and operations <br /> shall be limited to 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. seven (7) days per week. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Pust; McGehee; Willmus: Johnson; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Johnson as to Pour Decisions' intended open- <br /> ing, Mr. Denglin responded that it was their hope to open by the Minnesota <br /> State Fair; and advised they would be providing notice of that opening. <br /> b. Authorize the City Attorney to File an Objection to the Rice Street Inter- <br /> change Project Community Requested Facilities Surcharge (CRFS) with <br /> the Public Utilities Commission <br /> Public Works Director Duane Schwartz provided background and expanded on <br /> the RCA dated July 16, 2012 regarding the status of Xcel Energy's Community <br /> Requested Facilities Surcharge (CRFS) for the Rice Street Interchange Project <br /> and Cities of Roseville and Little Canada objections to the Public Utilities <br />