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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 16, 2012 <br /> Page 23 <br /> e. Consider Establishing a New Position Within the Information Technology <br /> Division <br /> Based on required duties for the addition of these two (2) new clients, Mr. Mil- <br /> ler advised that larger network needs would be required. Mr. Miller noted that <br /> the RCA detailed the revenues and costs for this partnership. <br /> Mayor Roe, in terms of the difference in salary/benefits with revenue projec- <br /> tions, noted that the remainder was not all profit; with Mr. Miller concurring, <br /> noting that additional costs for software licenses, e-mail and internet access, and <br /> other operating costs would be included in the revenue projections. As an ex- <br /> ample, Mr. Miller noted that roughly $20,000 to $30,000 for software license <br /> would be required; and any remaining revenue would be used to offset some of <br /> the City of Roseville's fixed costs. <br /> Councilmember McGehee commended Mr. Miller for continuing to expand the <br /> IT serviced and make them self-supporting for Roseville, as well as allowing the <br /> City of Roseville to have an excellent IT Department. <br /> McGehee moved, Johnson seconded, authorizing the creation of a new Network <br /> Service Specialist Position within the Information Technology Division, with <br /> the Job Description detailed in Attachment A of the RCA. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Pust; McGehee; Willmus: Johnson; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe briefly recessed the regular City Council meeting at approximately 8:07 p.m.,not- <br /> ing that the body would reconvene upon its return as the Board of Adjustments and Appeals at <br /> approximately 8:13 p.m. <br /> Wal-Mart Store Use Appeal <br /> McGehee moved, Johnson seconded, recessing the regular City Council meeting and reconven- <br /> ing as the Board of Adjustments and Appeals at approximately 8:13 p.m. for the purpose of <br /> considering a land use related to the proposed Wal-Mart Store. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Pust; McGehee; Willmus: Johnson; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Mayor Roe provided introductory comments in the purpose of this Board in hearing two (2) <br /> appeals related to the whether or not Wal-Mart was a permitted use in its proposed Zoning Dis- <br /> trict. Mayor Roe identified the appellants as Ms. Karen Schaffer and a group of citizens identi- <br /> fying themselves as SWARN (Solidarity for West Area Roseville Neighbors). Mayor Roe re- <br />