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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 16, 2012 <br /> Page 25 <br /> Ms. Schaffer opined that there was already an over-supply of retail in the community and the <br /> Comprehensive Plan vision did not support redevelopment or intensification of land use to <br /> provide yet more retail. Ms. Schaffer further opined that the proposed use did not cater to Ro- <br /> seville residents, and their business model encouraged soliciting consumers from adjacent ju- <br /> risdictions rather than catering to Roseville residents. Ms. Schaffer suggested that <br /> Ms. Schaffer, as an attorney, opined that she could carefully craft findings similar to those of <br /> the City staff; however, she opined that they didn't make sense in the big picture, when looking <br /> at the relationship between the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan, and were inaccurate <br /> based on a review of the Comprehensive Plan, Twin Lakes Business Master Plan, and AUAR <br /> for their vision and hopes. <br /> Ms. Schaffer expressed her appreciation of being able to come before the Board to make her <br /> presentation. <br /> Member Willmus thanked Ms. Schaffer for coming in, and noted that he had also served on the <br /> Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee for a time prior to his original appointment to the <br /> City Council, and was aware of the process from that perspective as well. <br /> Member Willmus asked Ms. Schaffer if she would liken this proposal to that of the Target site. <br /> Ms. Schaffer, while not being aware of the square footage of the Target Store, opined that a <br /> free-standing Wal-Mart Store would appear to be similar to the Target Store. <br /> Member Willmus advised that one thing he was struggling with was Ms. Schaffer's previous <br /> testimony before the Planning Commission and City Council where she and Mr. Grefenberg <br /> argued that Target and liar Mar should be designated "Community Business," not "Regional <br /> Business." Member Willmus asked Ms. Schaffer how she could reconcile that previous posi- <br /> tion with her apparent position expressed today. <br /> Ms. Schaffer, while not recalling the 2008 discussion, noted that the decision had been desig- <br /> nate the Target site as "Regional Business." <br /> Member Willmus, however, noted that at that time, Ms. Schaffer had been an opponent of that <br /> designation, supporting their designation as "Community Business." Member Willmus ques- <br /> tioned how he was to reconcile those two different opinions, that of Ms. Schaffer and from <br /> members of SWARN, and how he was to personally address that discrepancy. <br /> Ms. Schaffer opined that the main concerns at that time were based on the Har Mar Site and the <br /> desire to not position the Har Mar Mall as a nonconforming use; and suggested that this was <br /> the rationale for characterizing that"Regional Business"as well. <br /> Member Willmus clarified that the Har Mar Mall was designated "Community Business." <br />