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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 16, 2012 <br /> Page 26 <br /> Ms. Schaffer admitted that there appeared to be some ambiguity; however, she opined that <br /> when studies were done on the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area, they never included such an <br /> intense use as proposed by a Wal-Mart development. As an example, Ms. Schaffer opined that <br /> there was no analysis of this type of traffic-generating use, even though she recognized that <br /> this may be an area of dispute. From her perspective, Ms. Schaffer opined that this gateway <br /> site, clearly visible from area freeways, was intended to have improved traffic connections to <br /> accommodate a regional draw. By definition, and as part of its history, Ms. Schaffer defended <br /> Target as having been conceived in Roseville, alleging that Wal-Mart's strategy was to com- <br /> pete with Target and in order to do so, needed to draw from beyond Roseville. <br /> In conclusion, Ms. Schaffer expressed appreciation to Member Willmus for his thought- <br /> provoking questions. <br /> Solidarity of West Area Roseville Neighbors (SWARN) (Attachment B) <br /> Gary Grefenberg, as a member of the SWARN Strategies Committee, representing more than <br /> seventy (70) families living west of Snelling Avenue in Roseville, as present to speak, in addi- <br /> tion to Mark Bradley, Megan Dushin, and David Nelson. <br /> Gary Grefenberg, 91 Mid Oaks Lane (SWARN Member) <br /> In introductory comments, Mr. Grefenberg expressed his appreciation of Community Devel- <br /> opment Director Patrick Trudgeon and his tutoring of SWARN representatives in how to file <br /> an appeal and his proactive role in keeping them informed of the process. Mr. Grefenberg also <br /> expressed his appreciation to Mayor Roe for his advice and counseling. Mr. Grefenberg stated <br /> that, if he was any part or shared any responsibility in leaving the impression at the recent <br /> Planning Commission that staff was at fault in providing information or not working with <br /> SWARN,he apologized. Mr. Grefenberg recognized Mr. Trudgeon's volunteering information <br /> without being asked, and was not being an obstructionist in any way. Mr. Grefenberg stated <br /> that the entire process since February 1, 2012 created come confusion, and that any fault lay at <br /> the feet of the final decision-makers, the City Council. Mr. Grefenberg again apologized to <br /> Mr. Trudgeon, agreeing to disagree with some of the findings detailed in his response and de- <br /> terminations of June 21, 2012. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg referenced SWARN's written findings and analysis (Attachment B) submitted <br /> in the hopes that the Board will review and find as a candid articulation of their concerns. Mr. <br /> Grefenberg noted that, it was not a coincidence that both he and Ms. Schaffer had served on the <br /> 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update Steering Committee; as well as he and other members of <br /> SWARN having been active in the previous asphalt plant use consideration. Mr. Grefenberg <br /> noted that the experience with the asphalt plant had prompted the group's concerns and at- <br /> tempts to make sure past mistakes were avoided. Mr. Grefenberg asked that, in a community <br /> as diverse as Roseville, they were seeking some justification for the Findings of Fact previous- <br /> ly presented in the Staff Report dated February 1, 2012; and now only started to come forward <br /> throughout this long process in Mr. Trudgeon's response dated June 21, 2012, and Staff's Re- <br /> port of July 16, 2012. <br />