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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 16,2012 <br /> Page 27 <br /> Mr. Grefenberg stated that the primary concern of SWARN was related to the land use, and <br /> their standing that the proposed land use for this site is not consistent with the Comprehensive <br /> Plan. Mr. Grefenberg clarified that this is not about the size of Wal-Mart, even though this is a <br /> red herring to the group, but irrelevant to them as a body. Mr. Grefenberg clarified that <br /> SWARN had not accused any bad faith from the proponents of the project; but were focused <br /> on the process itself, how it had evolved, and the original determination made at the staff level <br /> through the Design Review Committee (DRC) in January or February of this year, and in <br /> closed meetings,that this was a permitted use. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg expressed hope that the process, moving forward, would be improved and pol- <br /> icy issues would be discussed openly and transparently. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg stressed that the way the process began had created an exaggerated and over- <br /> simplified staff recommendation in their February 1, 2012 report and recommendation that this <br /> proposed use was not only consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, <br /> and that it was not in conflict with any of them. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg opined that, when the Comprehensive Plan's goals and policies discussed liva- <br /> ble wages and economic development to encourage locally-owned, smaller businesses, it <br /> seemed to be in a totally different world than the reality of this proposed use. Mr. Grefenberg, <br /> as a participant in the Steering Committee discussions for the Comprehensive Plan, opined that <br /> this proposed use seemed so different than what their perspective had been of those discussions <br /> and what was included and adopted in the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Grefenberg expressed his <br /> appreciation that the proposed justification or explanation had now come forward and the <br /> world of hyperbole had been left behind. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg proceeded to specifically address SWARN's areas of disagreement with the <br /> June 21, 2012 findings of staff, as detailed in their portion of Attachment B. Mr. Grefenberg <br /> asked that their appeal and/or documentation related to this appeal include the February 1, <br /> 2012 staff report and comments; and most importantly the December 9, 2011 letter from City <br /> Attorney Charlie Bartholdi, providing confidence to SWARN and their thought process. Mr. <br /> Grefenberg referenced the City Attorney letter and his and SWARN's interpretation of that le- <br /> gal opinion. Mr. Grefenberg further disputed staff findings, as providing in the written appeal. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg opined that SWARN may have dropped the ball with the Zoning Ordinance <br /> and their awareness of the process in adopting that updated Ordinance, and ensuring its con- <br /> sistency with the grand compromise achieved in designation of business districts in the Com- <br /> prehensive Plan, and how each designation is defined and distinguished. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg alleged that the Comprehensive Plan (page 4-8) under the designation of Re- <br /> gional Business did not include free-standing, large format uses; and from that perspective <br /> thought the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan were in conflict. <br /> In the Economic Development section of the Comprehensive Plan (page 4-23) describing Dis- <br /> trict 10 in which Wal-Mart is proposed to locate, Mr. Grefenberg alleged that neither the Com- <br />