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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 16,2012 <br /> Page 51 <br /> development in a larger area; and any proposal or use may not meet all the goals, but not inval- <br /> idating a use based on that rationale. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Johnson; Willmus; and Roe. <br /> Nays: Pust and McGehee. <br /> Motion carried- Appeal denied <br /> Willmus moved, Johnson seconded, DENIAL of the appeal of SWARN, based on the same <br /> findings. <br /> Member Pust thanked Mr. Trudgeon and Mr. Paschke for all their hard work; and clarified that, <br /> if anything she had said or done in her disagreement with staff's analysis had suggested that <br /> staff was doing anything from improper motives, apologized, noting that this was never <br /> thought of by her. Member Pust opined that both were stellar employees of the City of Rose- <br /> ville. Member Pust also thanked Mr. Rancone for his perseverance throughout this lengthy <br /> process, and for hanging in with the City throughout those years. Member Pust thanked Mr. <br /> Rancone for his comments about Costco, noting that it deserved to be said out loud, while clar- <br /> ifying that no disrespect was intended toward Wal-Mart. To citizens, Member Pust opined that <br /> they had done a great job, and thanked Mr. Grefenberg and Ms. Schaffer for the great job in <br /> presenting their views; opining that democracy didn't work if you didn't show up. To the ap- <br /> plicant, Member Pust thanked the development team for their professionalism throughout the <br /> entire ordeal; and expressed her hope that they felt that they were treated professionally and <br /> upheld the promises they had made to the City. <br /> Member Johnson echoed the comments of Member Pust, opining that everyone had been well <br /> spoken; and thanked staff for their hard work; and expressed appreciation to Mr. Rancone, as <br /> well as Mr. Grefenberg and Ms. Schaffer, opining that they had done a wonderful job. <br /> Member McGehee also echoed those comments. However, if specifics were desired, Member <br /> McGehee agreed with the points made in the SWARN document, specifically the section about <br /> the existing Zoning Code being in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan and their findings <br /> listed in finding#6, also agreeing with their findings#2—5. <br /> Chair Roe echoed the comments of the Board, opining that everyone carried themselves with <br /> seriousness. Chair Roe advised that, regarding the process itself, he took the message that <br /> there were some things needing improvement for plat approvals moving forward. Chair Roe <br /> noted that this was already included in the City Council's annual work plan, an update of their <br /> Subdivision Ordinance; and in reviewing each section, there were some needing updating. <br /> However, Chair Roe advised that he was in agreement with staff that there wasn't any non- <br /> compliance concern related to this proposal. In the arguments made by the appellants, Chair <br /> Roe advised that his disagreement wasn't with them or their right to have a point of view, but <br />